December is Here!
Posted by Owner-Aspen on 1 Dec 2024, 12:00 am
Jolly December, everyone! Let's take a peek at the monthlies.
New FurDollar Emporium Minipets
The following three pets may be obtained from the FurDollar Emporium. They have five day breeding cool downs and are available for breeding until January 1st.
Our brand new pet this month is the Griffkid!
*kaw kaw*
Re-released FurDollar Emporium Minipets
These pets are back for an encore this month and are available for breeding until January 1st.
The Frogament is here to spread Holiday cheer.
Put us on your tree!
The Pirglet is bounding into your heart.
Watch out, they bite.
December Feast Minipets
This new pet set is available through this month's Feast.
The Honeybear Bee!
So sweet.
8th Annifursary
Wow, Furvilla is turning eight this month! Stay tuned for our news post on December 7th this year, for a special treat!
*rustle rustle*
Snow Festival
This year's Tiger Eye Peak Snow Festival is scheduled to start later this month. Please keep an eye on the news for more information as we draw closer!
Have a festive December!
- The Furvilla Team
Thank you for bringing it to our attention. The pets should be breedable now.
Very nice new pets, thank you!
MOD-Thaleia Owner-Aspen Could you turn on the breedability of the returning FDE pets? The Frogaments and Pirglets are still displaying as "sterile."
Thanks for your help!