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Grande Melee Sign Ups OPEN!

Posted by Owner-Aspen on 10 Feb 2024, 4:57 pm


Come one! Come all! Hark the news that the Olde Foxbury Grande Tourney will be starting in just a few weeks!

As we prepare for the return of our festival, we'd like to invite your mightiest warrior to participate!

Even Quinn is... ready?

From now until February 22nd you may submit one of your finest villagers of the Warrior career to appear as an NPC in our festival-specific battleground.

To read the rules and to sign-up, please visit the forum thread here:


Remember! The paintie your warrior is wearing will show live in the battleground during the Tourney. We encourage you to dress your warrior in gear representing your village. This of course is not necessary, and we would still be honored by your presence, whatever your outfit or lack thereof.

You do not need to submit a warrior to participate in the festival. It is just for fun!

If you have questions, please ask them in the thread, which will be monitored by Admin-Wisteria .

hm... familiar and lovely!

That is all for now, we can't wait to start the festivities and celebrate with you!
- Aspen -

Write a comment 14

    • With the original owner the Serpent Festival was always at the beginning of the year. It didn't start dropping off several months later until the new owners took over. :/

    • As a former mod, the lack of communication isn't surprising given who currently runs furvilla. Communication was never their strong suit....its disheartening to see the site dying a slow painful death, I miss the good ol' days....

    • Why is there no communication about the status of how or if this would affect the other events? just looking at the most recent comments, people are confused on the status of the QP festival with this one being dropped so suddenly and so close to QP. Even just a simple statement of how it may or may not affect things would suffice :/

    • Do we have to fight with the paintie warrior.we enter? ie I'd like to fight with my main warrior, but would like to enter a different warrior as a paintie .

    • Serpent festival is usually not until the end of March. The sign ups for the tourney npc's is 22nd of Feb, so this event seems like it will be a month before the serpent festival usually begins.

    • So is another event being skipped without any word? I recall this happening to this event last year o.o

    • The Serpent Festival is suppose to be the first event of the year. Where is it?

    • also chiming in to ask about if you're skipping the serpent festival this year.

    • But what happened to the serpent festival? I thought that one was next

    • The thread so no longer be locked. Apologies!