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Those Lazy Fairies!

Posted by Owner-Quinn on 24 Dec 2023, 3:25 pm

It seems the new Equipment and Sock fairies didn't get the memo that the event had started!

I've poked them with a stick and they should now be appearing during explore events.

As an apology, five of each have volunteered fly right into your inventory, including some bonus Star fairies!

Just click the code to redeem!

Redeem Code.

Happy Holidays! And be safe!

Write a comment 15

    • Thank you, and Happy Holidays!

    • Thank you ^^

    • Thank you :D I thought they just had very low drop chances.

    • Aah had wondered... so had only gotten 2 sock fairies an those came from the battleground heh... Thanks Quinn an Happy Howlidays ta you, all the staff an evfurryone here in Furvilla {:)

    • Thank you!! I thought I was just unlucky for not finding any lol

    • Thank you!!

    • Thanks for fixing it so quickly! Happy Holidays~

    • Epic, thank you for doing this!

    • Thank you.