New MODs, Beta Content Rule, & Restock Change
Posted by NPC-Lucien on 5 Dec 2016, 1:23 am
Hello everyone! We’ve got some very exciting news to share with you, it’s time to Welcome our new Mods as an official part the Furvilla Staff! We’re very happy to have each and every one of them here now to continue on this journey with us. Opening the site is going to be a big job and having all hands on deck is a very important thing. Please be welcoming to all these fresh new faces when you see them around the site. They won’t be diving into any Mod work until launch but they’re getting their feet wet for now so feel free to say hello.
New Furvilla Moderators
*insert spectacular fireworks show here*
(we spent all the budget on streamers and cake for the party so let your imagination run wild)
Beta Content Rule
Another thing before we let you go, a new rule has been added to the Global Rules section regarding Beta Content so please go and give that a read. There is also a corresponding infraction for this rule addition. Be sure you are all up to date on the Furvilla Site Rules and TOS as we head into the Site’s Grand Opening.
This new rule will be going into effect at launch:
Discussion of, reposting of forum content, or screenshots about Beta activity is strictly forbidden by the TOS. Distribution of this information only serves to incite drama and will not be permitted. Exceptions to this rule are any remade threads for sales, role plays, knowledge base & guides, and site resources.
Edit: Moving farther into this, this rule is mainly to avoid reinstating all the drama and fighting from the Beta. Signatures stating that you were a Beta tester are fine. With the new MOD team coming in, I've adjusted how I want to go forward; less infractions for things we can talk to you first on, more community interaction, which hopefully will bring the community together more. Not literally everything from Beta is banned. If you're unsure about if a signature or screenshot you have will be okay, by all means, ask a MOD; Ask me. I dont mind, and neither do they. We're here to be a part of the Community.
Restock Change
And last but not least, all Container Items and Basic Weapons/Shields have been removed from Restock and returned to their original unlimited stock status.
Check the news post below for important Forum related information!
Well, it's been almost a month, and the recipes are still getting sniped as soon as they show up and scalped for half a million FC.
I think y'all need to tweak the restock rate because right now crafting careers are basically crippled. Or do something to block the bots sniping the restocks.
Welcome to all the new moderators!! I wish you all the best of luck with wrangling us. <3
With all the drama that occurred over the testing period, the new rule makes sense. The site deserves a clean slate with this Grand Opening. I hope everything goes smoothly!
"this rule is mainly to avoid reinstating all the drama and fighting from the Beta. Signatures stating that you were a Beta tester are fine. "
Sounds fair and great to me. I'm excited for the launch. <3
So, wait, we cannot put in our signature that we were a beta tester or am I wrong on this? First time commenting on an update as well actually; I am just curious as I've seen it everywhere so I was going to update my signature but I wanted to ask before doing that? I tend to get confused with updates so haha, better to be safe than sorry.
Thanks for opening up the containers. The other materials seem to be doing fine, I was kinda worried when this started and the only thing in the armory was basic sword and shield, but the rest of the weapons components came back after a couple of hours ... I guess people were hoarding them to start with.
ahaaha, i say so since Pastel Dream is a song title in one of my favorite video games so i freaked when i saw it was your username lmao
As for the comments, there should be an option for the author of the comment to hide their own comment or edit it just like on Fur Affinity
I'll keep trying to apply on becoming a MOD. It just seems that "MOD-FlashHound" would look great if I keep applying and I get approved to become a MOD. Anyway, welcome new MODs.
This is a great change c:
Welcome, new mods :D!