Posted by Admin-Wisteria on 7 Apr 2018, 8:53 pm
There's likely to be a few delays as Admin-Mat is currently in hospital.
They're due to be released in a couple days; until then contests & paintie related queries may take longer than usual to resolve.
Thanks for your patience & understanding!
hope you feel better soon!!! wish you the best of luck and best of health Admin-Mat !!
aaa hope you feel better soon, Mat!! ;;
Fell better soon, Admin-Mat !
Get well soon! I hope you’ll be alright!
Recover soon and swiftly, take your time to fully recover ♥
Damn.. Poor guy. Wishing him a swift and safe recovery! ❤
Oh my! Get well soon, Admin. Take the time you need.
Oh dear, I hope they recover very soon! ♥
oh no I hope he's okay!
Get well soon! :o