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New Poll!

Posted by Staff on 17 Dec 2017, 1:48 am


We're currently trying to decide what item will replace the Gembound Plush in the monthly birthday gifts in 2018 so we'd love to get your input! Click the link below to vote!

User B-Day Item Poll!

Get those votes in!

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    • The poll never loaded for me. I also never received a birthday gift last January and am honestly still quite grumpy about it.

    • no poll is showing, but i'd really rather y'all keep the gembound as an option!! beta opened on my birthday and i happened to join the day after, so i didn't really know anything about anything!

    • No poll shows is it over?

    • No poll shows up for me XD

    • cant vote because i think the poll is broken or closes but i vote to keep or add another thing! i never got my birthday gembond :/

    • Along the lines of what Breezeyheart said: Maybe it could be an option to keep the gembound plushies whilst also adding a new birthday item? That way, anyone who missed out on the plushies the first time around (or would like another copy for trading purposes) can get one and those who already got one and are content with just the one (and/or are just not interested in collecting plushies) can get the new item. Then, if you keep adding a new set of birthday items each year, you can eventually cover all of the options on the poll and there will be a nice grab bag of items with something for everyone's taste. And, considering, it would take 12 year-long cycles of collecting a plush (or what-have-you) to trade for every other birthstone color variation, I don't think you'd really have to worry about severely impacting item rarities (especially if not everyone would even be grabbing the same item for their birthday.)

    • I can't even vote because the poll wouldn't load.. but I would rather keep the gembound plush for now, especially since you could add a chance to get a magical one for your birthday too. But why can't we just have more prizes instead of replacing the gembound plushies? I want others to able to get their gembound plushies and it would be lovely if they had a chance of getting a magical one.

      Because: I have only gotten my birthday gift once (July) and I am really looking forward to getting another gembound plush since I had to trade away for a paintie payment or I would have kept the plush so I really don't want to see the gembound plushies go! :(

      An idea: Maybe there could also be some birthflower themed plushies of Gembounds or vistas given out with the current gembound plushies?

    • I personally would love to keep the gembound plush cause all the poll choices didn't even seem as worth it

    • I'd like to keep it as gembound plushies. Gembound plushies are already a pain to get, even if it's non-magical. I joined around the start of May and my birthday was in April 24th so I missed my opportunity to get it. Please KEEP the gembound plushies if you can. If i have to choose something from the poll, then I think a trophy would be a good idea.

    • I voted for something else but honestly, if "keep the gembounds" had be an option in the pool, I would've picked that. They made completing the plush collection just a little bit easier, and I'd be sad if they go. They were nice, as far as bday gifts go… Just the right side of valuable.