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Zombie Rabbit Villager Concerns

Posted by Staff on 22 Oct 2017, 8:51 pm


Good evening everyone! It seems there is a bit of upset regarding one of our Dragonsmaw Manor Event villager colorations due to the gore factor. Unfortunately we are restricted by coding and will not be able to tag the colorations for those users that are not comfortable with this type of content.

But what I can do is offer an option to any user that wishes to own this coloration and also wants to be sure other users are still comfortable viewing their profiles and villagers!

We will create a thread, once the Magic Zombie Rabbit Plush is officially released, for users to request that their villager be "paintied". Users will provide a villager link to their Zombie Rabbits and I will go through, putting "Painties" onto the villager (the exact same image) so that the Gore tag can be added.

I hope that this will be helpful to all parties. Thank you for expressing your concerns and being patient with us.

EDIT: I am discussing options with some of my Mod team as we are reading your comments and seeing that the proposed solution may not work as we'd like it to. Once we have a solid hold on a final plan we will let you all know! Thanks again for being patient and working with us!


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    • Alright, that's understandable :)

    • That's a good idea :D I'll be sure to do that. ^^

    • Also good idea! Had the same idea but didn't know if that was doable lmao

    • I read this as "good news everyone" I need sleep.