Zombie Rabbit Villager Concerns
Posted by Staff on 22 Oct 2017, 8:51 pm
Good evening everyone! It seems there is a bit of upset regarding one of our Dragonsmaw Manor Event villager colorations due to the gore factor. Unfortunately we are restricted by coding and will not be able to tag the colorations for those users that are not comfortable with this type of content.
But what I can do is offer an option to any user that wishes to own this coloration and also wants to be sure other users are still comfortable viewing their profiles and villagers!
We will create a thread, once the Magic Zombie Rabbit Plush is officially released, for users to request that their villager be "paintied". Users will provide a villager link to their Zombie Rabbits and I will go through, putting "Painties" onto the villager (the exact same image) so that the Gore tag can be added.
I hope that this will be helpful to all parties. Thank you for expressing your concerns and being patient with us.
EDIT: I am discussing options with some of my Mod team as we are reading your comments and seeing that the proposed solution may not work as we'd like it to. Once we have a solid hold on a final plan we will let you all know! Thanks again for being patient and working with us!
I think the shop will open most likely once they fix the rabbit thing.
Maybe get them all out at the same time .
I said somewhere else that i am fine with gore and that there is add block but adding to that i do not know what the age group goes up to here.
Maybe add to a update or give advice in how to get add block in case some are unaware of it.
Not saying people are dumb but it might help in case some have no idea or clue.
The only real advice you can give is 'add block'' becasue some like my self would use the gore version.
I understand some dislike it and fair enough but they way people have been reacting is unacceptable becasue views are being different about this.
I still can't find the candy shop... yikes
hemotypewriter Good point! I saw some of the comments discussing that, and that's good to know that someone might be able to resort to that if something goes wrong. I still feel like it's the less reliable option, since the chances of seeing the gore in the meantime are still kinda high if that ends up being the case, but I suppose it could still be used pretty reliably. ^^ Ideally, it won't have to come to that, because I still hold my main point that it is the responsibility of the site to deal with this, but at least some people might be able to use an adblocking feature like that in the meantime/instead of a site solution. Thanks for the heads-up! ^^
well, I still think having an option where each player can choose whether either or not see a censored version
but I think a version with gore and another without gore that being chosen at the time the villager was to become a zombie rabbit is also a good idea
(I hope you can get a solution other than to absurdly increase the price and not remove it, because I really wanted to have one)
Emeraldheart Not to be contrary, but if you go into settings on most adblocks, you can add it by URL, meaning someone fine with gore could distribute the image address for people to block without ever seeing it. I hope this doesn't come off as rude, I just wanted to make sure you knew in case this ends up being needed should the blocking functionality fail while first being set up. Goodness know FV has its share of hiccups figuring things out in trial and error, so it wouldn't hurt for people to have a personal failsafe.
I'm confused- is the shop open or is it still closed while they work out the details to block gore?
Hey, reading your post I notice you seem more mad about the idea that people might have to pay more for the gore than anything else. I just wanted to point out that I'm pretty sure the mods don't mean for this to be a thing that requires users to pay. If they go with this method, then staff would be applying the images personally, so they wouldn't ever need to enter the paintie queue or be paid for. The reason they're using the paintie system is just because the gore filters are currently only set up for it, not because the costume is going to be treated like a paintie. If they use an overlay like many people are suggesting then functionally it would just mean that it'd show a normal bunny for people who are blocking things with the gore filter and show the gore image to anyone who isn't. That's the only difference from just straight releasing the costume. The only reason you would need to pay the fee is if you wanted an altered version of the base, so really it'd still be pretty much like any of the other costumes.
I appreciate the work you guys are doing for this! It's a lot of effort and time, but honestly I'm so grateful that you're putting thought into the needs of the community. I personally can stand most gore, so I'm good with the rabbit, but even I find it a little unsettling, and I can only imagine how horrifying it might be to some people. Thanks for caring <3
Also, @ everyone who says to install Adblock extensions or to block people in order to "moderate their own Internet experience," please remember that in order to do that, you will have to see the rabbit in the first place. That's what this is all about - preventing people from seeing this potentially disturbing image. Also, this issue in particular should NOT be left to the user base. FV is a website which moderates painties and has a specific gore tag that people can (and do) block. Since the site itself is putting out this rather gory image, it is THEIR responsibility to moderate it, not the responsibility of each individual user.
I may have confused the forum threads and the comments here (sorry if I did, can I get it moved to the right thread if so? not super necessary, there's too many zombunny discussion areas. I saw adblock written somewhere and felt the need to remind everyone this site depends on ad revenue! If I'm imagining things, I'm sorry, I'm going to bed now, don't mind me...)
Guys, I don't think encouraging users to use adblock on a site that depends on ad revenue is a good solution to this problem...