Fur Idol Special Edition!
Posted by Staff on 28 Aug 2017, 3:37 pm
Hello, hello! Just stopping in real quick to let you guys know about a Special round of Fur Idol that is starting up!
You can find the special Fur Idol contest at the link below, as always be sure to make sure to read all the rules carefully before entering.
So have fun showing off your Villagers and trying to win some nice piles of treasure! We look forward to seeing everyone's awesome entries.
Are we allowed to submit our contest piece to the regular FurIdol as well? o:
Darn, I got excited and wanted to try till I saw it was only for the new species...Weh. Deceiving newspost,.
Hmm, not best pleased.
@Pollyanna the event is extended til the 7th, so this contest will last til noon on the 6th. That gives me time to give out prizes and for folks to use those PP from their rewards.
ahh im excited but do we only have three days to do it? (assuming sept 1st?)
I've already started drawing :D
It is definitely my hope this will lift some spirits and encourage creativity. I greatly enjoy seeing all the art people create on here for normal Fur Idol, so I'm looking forward to what people create for this.
We all know how disappointing and discouraging it can be when things happen with these events. Trust me, we mods feel the pain keenly, as most of us also enjoy playing the game as well. But it's my hope as well as everyone else's, that things will get fixed and the event will resume.
Glitches and hitches will happen sadly. For now, we just have to be patient, keep exploring and collecting fragments and keep crafting maps.
@MOD-Saryumane With the things happening now, a small note like MZZA's suggestion would have been a bit better! Thank you for the initiative though! :)
GaiaFR I mean (blush)... is it working for you?