Site Rules
Infraction System
Click here for further information on infractions. Click here to view your account infractions.
It is your responsibility to read and familiarize yourself with the site rules. Not knowing the site rules is not a legitimate excuse for displaying rule breaking behavior.
Global rules
This rule does not apply to official art and writing of publicly released media such as movies, video games, books, etc.
Inappropriate or controversial content
Hate speech
Creating multiple accounts on Furvilla is against the rules, users are allowed access to a single account. Users found to be accessing more than one account as a way to cheat (get extra items, currency, ect.) will immediately have all secondary accounts banned and ALL items and currency removed from their primary account.
To appeal a ban, you should only contact us at
Backseat moderation
Please do not use the CSS functions to: change the game information shown on your profile or villager's profile, overlay a fake image over your villager as if a Paintie were accepted with that image, hide or obscure game info or text or otherwise make the page unduly difficult to navigate.
The latter includes but is not limited to: upside down text, quickly spinning or bouncing images, backgrounds that are too similar to the text colour, and high-contrast or animated background. We only allow gentle spinning or bouncing images if they are made with a :hover. The only exception to this is with the village shield on the profile’s page. If you are unsure if your profile is against the rules, please pm a moderator about it.
For further information and explanation of the rule, please review this.
Forum and chat rules
Bumping your own threads (posting in them to make them appear at the top of the thread list) is allowed at most once a day for each topic. Forcibly keeping threads on the front page will annoy users that aren’t interested.
Threads located in the Commerce forums are exempt from this rule and may be bumped once a day, or whenever they have been pushed off of the first page of the forum they are on. This does not include the Recent Activity bar on the side of the site.
The Fun and Games forum is exempt from this rule.
Do not share any contact information that you do not feel comfortable sharing with other users. If another user keeps asking you for ways to contact you outside of Furvilla, even after you told them no, block the user and report them to the Staff, especially if you are under the age of 18 and the user asking for your contact information is an adult.
This rule also includes implicit begging. For example, repeatedly and consistently complaining in multiple threads, posts, comments, or messages about not having currency, items, or villagers.