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Rules last updated 15 January 2022:

Site Rules

Infraction System

The Furvilla moderation team functions under a 'good faith' policy. You will be warned for most rule breaking behavior before receiving an infraction. However, should the moderation team feel the user acted in bad faith the team will reprimand the user with infractions without warning. Additionally, breaking multiple rules in a short amount of time may incur additional infractions even if different rules were broken.

Click here for further information on infractions. Click here to view your account infractions.

It is your responsibility to read and familiarize yourself with the site rules. Not knowing the site rules is not a legitimate excuse for displaying rule breaking behavior.

Global rules

Software and media is covered under copyright law, which means you can’t post any cracked software. You also can’t post links to pirated movies, games, or other content, as this is illegal too.
Don’t post pirated software or media.

Art and writing, among other things, are covered under copyright law. Don’t post content that doesn't belong to you without the permission of the creator, even if you say you didn’t make it. Only post content with the creator’s permission and proper credit.
This rule does not apply to official art and writing of publicly released media such as movies, video games, books, etc.
Don’t post copyrighted content you don’t have permission to use.

We do not permit plagiarism, defined as intentionally or unintentionally taking credit for art, writing, or other content that you did not create. This includes traced artwork as well. Make sure to give proper credit to content you post that you did not create.
Plagiarism is strictly forbidden.

Doxxing is defined as posting the personal information of others, including their real name, address, location, IP address, school, real life photographs, or anything that may compromise their privacy. This is not allowed.
Don't post the personal details of other players (doxxing).

We do not allow players to ask for passwords or login information of other players for any website. It is also disallowed to direct players to fake login pages for the purpose of stealing their login information.
Don’t attempt to steal the usernames or passwords of other players (phishing) for any website.

We do not permit users to post anything that can damage another user’s computer, including viruses, malicious software, spyware, etc.
Don’t post or link to viruses or software that can harm a user’s computer.

Pedophilia is not a subject appropriate for Furvilla. We do not permit players to discuss this.
Do not discuss pedophilia in any form.

Furvilla will immediately report pedophiliac behavior to the authorities if we see any adults asking for a minors’ personal information, disrespecting the privacy wishes of a minor, or soliciting sexual interactions with a minor.
Preying on minors and other pedophiliac behavior is strictly forbidden.

Don't post frightening or sickening content. Frightening content is defined as graphic real life photographs or photo-realistic artwork indistinguishable from a photograph or detailed writing depicting violence towards humans or animals.
Don't post frightening or sickening content.

Don't repost old site or forum drama. Any discussion, reposting of forum content, or screenshots about old site or forum drama activity is strictly forbidden. Distribution of this information only serves to incite drama again and will not be permitted. Content that will be regarded as forum drama is anything that was heated enough for the Staff to step in to put an end to the discussion.
Do not repost old drama.

Do not harass other players in any way, shape or form. Harassment or continuous pestering of other players through the forums, PMs, anonymous transfers, or otherwise will not be tolerated. When another player tells you to leave them alone we want you to respect their wishes. Do not evade blocks by using your friends, mule accounts, or making public callouts to harass the player any further. If you have issues with another user’s behavior please file a Report or contact a Staff Member.
Do not harass other players.

Do not spam another player’s user or villager profile, or their PMs. Flooding another player’s user or villager profile, or their PMs with advertisements, messages with no substantial content, messages attempting unsolicited roleplay, or other content regarded as spam is prohibited. If a player does not respond to your messages do not pester them with more messages or demand replies. Complimenting another player on their user or villager profile or leaving a thank you message or conversation starter is fine.
Spamming is a form of harassment.

Inappropriate or controversial content

Absolutely no pornographic or sexual content, explicit or implicit: Furvilla is a PG-13 game. We do not allow artwork that displays sex, nipples, genitals of any kind, the implication of genitals in clothing, bodily fluids, sex toys or sex gear, or any other content that Furvilla Staff may find unacceptable. This applies to written work as well. Do not solicit sexual interactions or share contact information with that intent.
Nothing sexual, it's a PG-13 site.

Don’t post or talk about sensitive topics. Sensitive topics can contain potentially triggering content and can start up heated debates. Any topics relating to sexual activity or incest are strictly forbidden. Graphic descriptions of harm (self or others), abuse of any kind, and violence etc. will also not be allowed.
Keep it PG-13.

Do not talk about politics, religion, or substance use outside the 18+ forums. Due to the nature of the topics, all discussion regarding politics, religion, and substance use (drugs and alcohol) needs to stay in the 18+ forums. Keep in mind that the 18+ forums do not allow the discussion or encouragement of illegal substance use nor does it allow solicitation to partake in substance use. The 18+ forums are NOT a place to discuss or post NSFW of any kind! Furvilla is a PG-13 website and extends those rules to the 18+ forums.
18+ forums are for mature SFW discussions.

Avoid posting flashing images that could easily cause an epileptic seizure, a jumpscare or any poor taste joke meant to frighten users, make them feel sick, or harm them in any other way, they aren’t funny.
Don't post seizure-causing content or jumpscares.

Avoid making posts that can spoil the content of a new movie, show, game or other media without a proper warning.
Don't post untagged spoilers.

Furvilla is an English website run by English-speaking Staff, and for that reason we only allow players to communicate in English. Please do not post content in foreign languages as we would be unable to moderate that content. You are still permitted to name your villagers after a non-English word provided it is not obscene.
English only on Furvilla, please!

No discussions about Staff actions: if a user is banned or a thread is closed and you would like to talk about it, please contact a Staff Member privately. It’s the quickest way to receive a response and prevents misinformation. We guarantee to treat you without bias and we're here to help the game we love. Sharing Staff messages in regard to action taken against your account or another user’s account is not allowed.
To inquire about staff actions, ask us directly and keep our chats confidential!

We do not tolerate players interacting with Staff Members in an overly rude, aggressive, or vulgar manner in support emails, private messages, or forums.
Communication with staff members must be civil and not overly vulgar or aggressive.

Do not post threads or comments to tell other players that you want to self-harm yourself or that you want to commit suicide. Discussion of healthy coping strategies is accepted, but opening a thread to state the desire to harm oneself is not. If you need help and/or wish to reach out to someone please contact one of the Hotlines listed Here. This rule applies to works of fiction as well. Do not post any written or drawn content that depicts self-harm or suicide.
Do not post about self-harm or suicide.

Do not post threads, comments, or send messages telling other players that they need to self-harm themselves or that they need to commit suicide. We put the health and safety of our users above all else and will take these threats very seriously, even if they’re meant as a “joke”.
Do not self-harm or suicide bait other players.

Hate speech

Absolutely no use of slurs, discriminatory speech or images: Do not use words that are commonly known to disparage certain groups of people. You may not post anything that promotes hatred or discrimination against the following classes: gender, sexual orientation, religion, disability, race, and ethnic origin. It's not okay to mock people for their gender, sexual orientation, religion, etc - even if it's a joke, people can be hurt, and we take it seriously.
Don't say anything discriminatory, not even as a joke.

Do not personally attack another player or Staff Member: Do not use profanity against another person, name and shame someone, post public blacklists, levy insults against another, or otherwise behave in a way that attacks another player. Absolutely no threats of violence against another user, jokingly or not.
Be nice to others, even if you don't like them.

Don't post with the intent to stir a fight between users, nor post with the intent to bait a Staff Member. Certain subjects are easily misinterpreted and, while they’re not forbidden, they are likely to create drama if presented in a certain tone or context. In addition, Staff are here to protect players and keep the game running smoothly, and should not be distracted from their duties with baiting posts.
No flame baiting or baiting Staff Members!


Don't try to exploit the game via glitches, tricking other players (scamming) or hacks. Third party programs are allowed as long as they don't play the game for you. Programs such as autoclickers and other bots with the purpose of doing onsite activities for you are not allowed. If you're unsure about whether a tool is okay or not, contact us!
Don't try to cheat the system or other players, you'll lose.


Players are permitted to have one account on Furvilla. Sharing, selling/trading, or borrowing accounts is also not allowed; your privilege to use Furvilla is non-transferrable. If your account is banned and you make a new one, you’ll receive heavier infractions.
Creating multiple accounts on Furvilla is against the rules, users are allowed access to a single account. Users found to be accessing more than one account as a way to cheat (get extra items, currency, ect.) will immediately have all secondary accounts banned and ALL items and currency removed from their primary account.
To appeal a ban, you should only contact us at community@furvilla.com.
One account per person. We don't allow sharing accounts or selling/trading them!

Players who sign up to the site agree that they are at least 13 years of age. Anyone who is discovered to be under the age of 13 or who made their account while they were under the age of 13 will get their account deactivated with no chance of appealing the ban. A new account may be made when the player is 13 years or older.
You must be at least 13 years or older to be allowed on Furvilla.

Don't sell, or attempt to sell, your account, items, villagers, or any other Furvilla content (this does not include Painties) for real money. If you want to sell a Paintie that's already on a villager, you must remove the Paintie from that villager and have the buyer re-upload it. However, you are not allowed to use Furvilla bases to make adoptables and sell them on places outside of Furvilla with no mention of Furvilla. Art made on Furvilla bases that is being sold outside of Furvilla MUST have Furvilla credited for the bases and mention that the intended use of the art is to be used as a Paintie on Furvilla.
The only things you can sell for real money are Painties you own.

Players may not trade their Furvilla content for another game's content if that game does not permit offsite trading or is currently in beta testing. In addition, players may not trade to a game or website that allows the sale or trade of its content for real life money or is a fansite for a property that does not belong to them (such as Pokémon fansites which contain Nintendo property). Further details regarding this rule can be found here. If there are any questions regarding off-site trading, please contact a Moderator.
Offsite trading is only allowed if the other website permits it, is not in beta testing, is not a fansite for a property that does not belong to them, and does not allow real life money trading.

Backseat moderation

Players aren’t allowed to do a Moderator’s job. This means a player isn’t allowed to comment on a rule breaking post quoting the site rules in the way a Moderator would, PM another player quoting the site rules, insist on what another player is or isn’t allowed to do on the website, and other similar behaviors. If you see a user breaking the rules, file a Report so that a Moderator may properly deal with it. Warning another player about their rule breaking behavior or reminding them of the site rules is allowed, but don’t act as a Moderator towards them.
Report issues rather than acting like a moderator.

Players may not use the reports function to file false reports about others or otherwise file a report that does not report anything rule breaking. Players may not file multiple reports on the same issue, or contact multiple moderators to have another moderator review the report when a report has already been resolved. Escalation of a report may only be done by contacting an Admin.
Do not abuse the report function.


Please do not use the CSS functions to: change the game information shown on your profile or villager's profile, overlay a fake image over your villager as if a Paintie were accepted with that image, hide or obscure game info or text or otherwise make the page unduly difficult to navigate.
The latter includes but is not limited to: upside down text, quickly spinning or bouncing images, backgrounds that are too similar to the text colour, and high-contrast or animated background. We only allow gentle spinning or bouncing images if they are made with a :hover. The only exception to this is with the village shield on the profile’s page. If you are unsure if your profile is against the rules, please pm a moderator about it.

For further information and explanation of the rule, please review this.

Don't tamper with the site's navigation or game components.

Forum and chat rules


We don't like spam. Every thread must have some discussion value to maintain a level of quality and uniqueness for each topic in the boards. This means that threads used as personal threads (wish lists, logs, etc) where other users are not allowed to post on are not allowed as they provide no discussion value. Threads with the sole purpose to increase your post counter are not allowed either. Also, please don't open threads directed at users but message them directly instead. Lastly, refrain from advertising other games or services; while discussing them is fine, "hunting" for users is forbidden.
Open meaningful threads, don't direct them at a user, don't try to "boost" your post counter and don't advertise other services!

Bumping your own threads (posting in them to make them appear at the top of the thread list) is allowed at most once a day for each topic. Forcibly keeping threads on the front page will annoy users that aren’t interested.

Threads located in the Commerce forums are exempt from this rule and may be bumped once a day, or whenever they have been pushed off of the first page of the forum they are on. This does not include the Recent Activity bar on the side of the site.

One bump a day per thread max. If your thread is in the Commerce forums it may be bumped when not on the first page.

Players may not make clickbait sales threads containing "emergency", "urgent" or any similar words in the title. You are more than welcomed to explain why you need the money in the thread, but please allow other players to determine for themselves if this is an emergency or not.
Clickbait sales threads are not allowed on Furvilla.


Please do not derail threads: Do not come into a thread and abruptly change the topic. While natural evolution of a discussion from the original subject toward a new one is allowed and encouraged, players should not come into a thread and disrupt the current topic.
Don't change the subject of a thread.

Please do not post misleading thread titles: The thread title you choose should be related to the content within. This is especially important if you have a question, as a topic of "Help" doesn't provide information as to what your problem is. Be descriptive and accurate.
Avoid misleading titles.

Avoid gravedigging threads. This means do not post in a thread that has been inactive for quite some time unless you are the original poster of the thread. Specifically, threads that have not been posted in for a month or longer are covered by this rule.
The Fun and Games forum is exempt from this rule.
Don't necropost, users find that silly.

Please do not post duplicate threads: Do not "cross-post" or place your topic in more than one forum board. Please choose only one board, and place your topic in it only one time. If a bug causes your thread to be posted more than once by mistake, file a Report and a Moderator will take care of it.
No duplicate threads or cross-posting.

Do not publicly share sensitive information such as your address, phone number, credit card information, school, etc. Sharing email addresses, instant messengers, and links to your offsite web pages are at your own risk. Be careful with what information you post about yourself.

Do not share any contact information that you do not feel comfortable sharing with other users. If another user keeps asking you for ways to contact you outside of Furvilla, even after you told them no, block the user and report them to the Staff, especially if you are under the age of 18 and the user asking for your contact information is an adult.
Don't post your contact information carelessly, it's dangerous!

Do not criticise a legitimate, allowed gameplay technique: Oftentimes, players criticize gameplay that does not break rules, such as sniping, buying low and selling high, blocking, or other methods of play. Please do not start threads or make comments that criticize players for utilizing allowed gameplay methods that you do not agree with.
Live and let live. Don't hate on an unorthodox, legitimate playing strategy.

Please do not use excessive caps or decorative icons: these text functions can be useful when they're used sparingly, but they should be used in moderation. Avoid full caps thread titles or paragraphs in caps, and limit the amount of decorative text symbols you use in threads and their titles. Keep in mind that the Furvilla forum system does not allow emojis to be used and will cause your thread titles or posts to be blank.
Keep your Caps Lock and emojis under control!

While swearing is not against the rules and there are global and personal word filters, please let your posts have a minimum of decency. A message riddled with cuss words or overly graphic descriptions is no good.
Leave excessive obscenity out.

Furvilla does not permit players to beg others for free things, nor to severely lowball others by offering a tiny amount in exchange for a very valuable item. If you aren’t sure if what you are offering is a lowball, go check in the Stalls the value of the items.

This rule also includes implicit begging. For example, repeatedly and consistently complaining in multiple threads, posts, comments, or messages about not having currency, items, or villagers.
Do not solicit free content from other players, or offer a pittance for valuable content (no begging).

This is extremely important: the Staff is here to help users. From time to time, there are situations in which some players disagree with our decisions. Users that try to copy questionable behavior while slightly altering the part of it that led to a warning or infraction will not be tolerated, even if the purpose is to jokingly tease Staff and users. That's because usually these "chains" lead to absurd public arguments that help no one. Whether it's to act witty or to express dissent, please don't try to work around a rule.
Don't try to bypass rules or imitate behaviors that led to warnings or infractions. We can see through that!

Avatar, signature, and font

Don't use inappropriate content, this includes images and text, in your avatar (even if cropped) and signature. The signature can't be wider than 504 pixels and taller than 300 pixels. Remember that users will see it every time you post so pick something easy on the eyes! Animated avatars of any format are also not allowed.
Keep signatures reasonably sized and safe for work.

Keep your text readable and easy on the eyes. Custom fonts aren’t allowed to use colors that blend in with a white background or can cause eye strain against a white background (i.e. light pastel colors or neon colors). 1337 speak or “typing quirks” are not allowed as this interferes with screen readers, disabilities that make it hard for people to read text, and people’s general ability to understand what you’re saying if they do not know how to read 1337 speak. When you post on the forums everyone would like to be able to know what you’re saying!
Make it readable!


Just because the chat is not hosted on the site itself does not mean you are now exempt from following the site’s rules. The Official Furvilla Discord chat is to be treated as an extension of the site, and any rule breaking behavior in the chat will have onsite consequences.
All Furvilla rules still apply!

Do not flood the Official Furvilla Discord chat: This is defined as posting multiple messages in a row outside of the Spam channel, where you or your friends are the only ones posting, in a very quick amount of time that does not contribute to the current discussion (i.e. posting long strings of emojis, multiple images, etc.).
No flooding, it's not cool.

Please only post solicitations or advertisements in the appropriate channels: This includes links to your trades or sales, or asking if players want to purchase something from you. If you are offering something for free, this does not apply. Also, please don't link to external chats. Please keep all advertisements relevant to Furvilla and do not post ads for other people.
Do not advertise outside the appropriate channels.

Roleplaying is wonderful, but it doesn't suit a large chatroom full of people who want to talk with each other. Roleplaying is better suited for the forums or private messaging, as it can disrupt the flow of conversation. However, short first person messages used sparingly are allowed. If you wish to find a roleplay partner you’re free to ask if someone wants to roleplay, but don’t start anything in the chat.
Roleplaying is better elsewhere.

When you join the Official Furvilla Discord chat, please make sure to read the rules channel as well as there are rules found in that channel that are not found on this page.
Read the server rules when you join!