Viewing WinteryW0lf's Profile
Profile description
About Me
From Oceandome, visiting OFB
From Oceandome, visiting OFB
I do block freely, sorry :(
I do block freely, sorry :(
Any Seeds!
Stones I don't have (preferable stones of Legend or Spooky Night!)
NPC Valentines
Seed Packets!
Any Seeds!
Stones I don't have (preferable stones of Legend or Spooky Night!)
NPC Valentines
Seed Packets!
Villagers 17
Gallery 8
Corn of Ears x50
Prickly Purr x4
Sunflowers x13
Puppy Poppy x69
Tumbleknead x117
Aloe Beara x19
Wolf's Cane x154
Dandy Lion x227
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BennyJackdaw No! Not at all! Please don't feel like you've offended me, I don't take most things offensive.
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Thank you so much!
aaa thank you so much <3