Viewing WinteryW0lf's Profile
Profile description
About Me
From Oceandome, visiting OFB
From Oceandome, visiting OFB
I do block freely, sorry :(
I do block freely, sorry :(
Any Seeds!
Stones I don't have (preferable stones of Legend or Spooky Night!)
NPC Valentines
Seed Packets!
Any Seeds!
Stones I don't have (preferable stones of Legend or Spooky Night!)
NPC Valentines
Seed Packets!
Villagers 17
Gallery 8
Corn of Ears x50
Prickly Purr x4
Sunflowers x13
Puppy Poppy x69
Tumbleknead x117
Aloe Beara x19
Wolf's Cane x154
Dandy Lion x227
Still looking for a TH code?
aw thats ok! thank you for letting me know ;v;
hey, sorry to bother you, but did you still want that paintie put on hold? or can i take the reserve off?
Since editing won't actually ping the person, here you go! :)
Ohh, thank you for my painties ♥
And thank you for the FD, it helps a lot ♪
thank you so much!!! It took forever to code >o<
also i like your forum signature! I'm not really into marvel anymore but I still like loki a lot!
Yes, you are correct! My user is based on Mephisto Pheles.
Because he was my favorite character at some point. :)
Aaaaaa thank you!!
Mmm I haven't even seen the Deadpool movie //rip
Doctor Strange is also cool :0 And the new Peter Parker is so awesome!
Yeee that's true :D
Omg I love Marvel too (Especially MCU *eyes emoji*)
Tbh Loki is,,,,so good!! :'0 Though I like Ultron & Tony the most ;v;