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Viewing WinteryW0lf's Profile

User ID: #89918
Username: WinteryW0lf
Gender: Male
Registered: 16 Mar 2017, 4:13 pm

Profile description

About Me
From Oceandome, visiting OFB


I do block freely, sorry :(

Any Seeds!
Stones I don't have (preferable stones of Legend or Spooky Night!)
NPC Valentines
Seed Packets!

Villagers 17

Comments 86

    • If you are asking who did my paintie, it was me

    • Thank you for The Jack-O-Lantern ! ( ⸝⸝>∀<⸝⸝ )

    • No problem, it fits well in my menagerie! ☆

    • coincidentally, I actually own a few of the stickers that were made by the same artist that made the ones in your signature :P mostly their Slytherin Lizards tho 8^)

    • Hi! Thank you for your interest in my species! <3
      Smunchkins are actually moving to become a much smaller species, owned as "pets" by another of my major species. Once those are officially up and running smunchkins will be sold again!~

    • Hahahaa, thanks. I really lucked out getting this epic paintie for Fluke and such a perfect ID# to go with it.

    • Oh, thank you! :)
      Enjoy the jelliquarium! :D

    • you can get the minipet balloon painties here

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