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Viewing WinteryW0lf's Profile

User ID: #89918
Username: WinteryW0lf
Gender: Male
Registered: 16 Mar 2017, 4:13 pm

Profile description

About Me
From Oceandome, visiting OFB


I do block freely, sorry :(

Any Seeds!
Stones I don't have (preferable stones of Legend or Spooky Night!)
NPC Valentines
Seed Packets!

Villagers 17

Comments 86

    • You mean the mini-pet I have in my stall? He was actually a gift from the staff; some kind of login bonus about a week ago :O

    • I need help on furcash jobs how do i apply or accept one? :/

    • Hey, Im new!

    • at least im early?

    • I'm not allowed to sell her actually, sorry bout that, I promised to give her back to the person I got her from if I ever parted with her. I've had over 8 people ask to buy her though, so no worries there

    • I am however selling this rose-themed paintie if you're interested

    • I actually wasn't selling her sadly, she was going back to the original owner but then I decided to keep her because they're inactive

    • Oh my gosh! Thanks so much for sending Milo to me! Sorry he wasn't used by you but he will be used by me! <33

    • sure! :3

    • Not a bother! But you're welcome, and I hope regardless you have a fantastic rest of your day today! =3

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