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Viewing flurrypaw's Profile

User ID: #75098
Username: flurrypaw
Gender: Male
Last Online: 21 Dec 2024, 7:33 pm
Registered: 10 Dec 2016, 2:21 pm

Villagers 13

Comments 42

    • I had an extra Orca, so sent it over. I'll send you a sharkitty in 2 days.

    • I thought you were looking for pets so I sent you some spares I had.

    • ty for the dutch angel dragon plush. It'll make Emerly (my dutch) look very festive this Christmas!

    • A scary looking bat opens the door and looks this trick or treater up and down, “if it’s trick or treat you want, it’s trick or treat you’ll get” smirking while dropping something in the bag she winks at you quickly before closing the door.

    • Thank you :0

    • A long, spiny figure (Dazai) slowly approaches, muffling something ineligible before dropping the Trick or Treat bucket from its maw. It's easier to speak without something in the way, after all! “Trick or Treat!”

    • A purple deer, at least you think is a deer, comes to your door. “Trick or Treat!” She yells, her horns swaying as she bounces from foot to foot excitedly.

    • A wolf with a pink mustache and a candycane cane wanders up to the door whistling a tune you swear you've heard before. He knocks on door with his cane.
      "Hidey-Howdy! Trick or Treat!"

    • Is this mix better?

    • Sure thing! I'll send over a trade, let me know if you want a different mix.

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