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User ID: #7302
Username: msjanny
Registered: 1 Jul 2016, 3:19 pm

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i'm jess! i'm on semi-hiatus right now :pensive:
find me in the official discord if you need me!

23 | she/her | FV time | links

the chickens are married to the moon.
my links page is really fun! go check it out!

art by jakdacrowe
nts: armoured leoclaw / katethemarten

Villagers 37

Comments 926

    • Dat's a lotta chickens. Yer gonna give my own hens a run for their money.

    • pet those neos, chicken, live ur dreams

    • It's true. You still wouldn't be able to dress one up as a chicken. Lol.

      Yeah, once people get the hang of the Warrior class I imagine they will, but just another reason to get closer to making the costumes quickly before they'd insanely deflate. In the mean time I'll keep selling Manokit potions.

      Lol. They'll get there once I'm done selling potions and start focusing more on costumes. Though I should kick Dillon out of Husbandries and into something presently more useful.

    • Well, skins are accents were pretty limited with what you could do. With these it's like, "So I can turn this hawk into a chicken? Yes? Good." A lot more fun when you have that freedom.

      D'aw. Lol. I'll have to tell all the peoples! But don't worry. Aside from new colors you're not missing much. We still haven't had a new breed since Nocturnes.

      And Pirate Gold, my friend! Need it to make the Pirate Costume! Which you need 100 of them and I only have 31 at the moment so it'll be a while.

    • Oh good gods that is adorable! Hands down one of the best painties that will be! (And I know what you mean. Especially misspelling it as panties multiple times anyway.)

      And yup.. That is the same Antag. Then there's a few other familiar people and probably many more around here somewhere. Lol.

    • Hush. Lol. Neopets will follow me forever in spirit with the username.

      Yeah don't worry, I'd had a feeling it was you when I bought the Sand Dollars and saw the username.
      And then I saw the chickens and was like "yup gotta be." And now you have a chicken paintie.

    • Mmmyup. At least I think it's me. I'm maybe only about 90% certain about whether it is or not.

      (AKA yes you really think anyone else would be dumb enough to have a username like mine?)

    • Nah, I'm the one that mispriced it. That's on me.


    • how could u hypothetically do this 2 me

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