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Viewing Ceera_Rayhne's Profile

User ID: #72314
Username: Ceera_Rayhne
Gender: Female
Last Online: 19 Dec 2024, 4:17 pm
Registered: 8 Dec 2016, 9:11 pm

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I love You

Villagers 11

Comments 11

    • Hey are you still active here? Let me know irl if you are ok? Love~

    • Awesome! Good luck with your breedings!

    • Thankyou for the trade! Make sure that the female I gave you is def ready to breed tomorrow because I have two females and might have sent the wrong one, please lmk!

    • Eeeeeeeeeeeeee~

    • i'm glad you liked it! i don't rly need anything rn but thank you! 'w'

    • Of course you can! :D
      I'm glad you like Patterns! ^^

    • Please look after that tusk sword. I really like it, I was lucky to get it- But I technically don't need it since I CAN fight with just one weapon. Anyway it should help your warrior a lot.

    • Well you really helped me out! ;w; i'm glad you responded, i wouldnt have been able to make my own thread to trade for one after the event. xD I'm too socially awkward so you saved me a lot of stress haha. Well I'm glad you got some of the stuff. It seems like not many people had that kinda luck. Sucks how RNG works sometimes. >.<; Sorry for the late reply, I'm not good with words today for some reason. o.o;;

    • Thank you for the trade! >w< sorry for how awkward i was on the forums. i take too long to do things so i didnt notice the trade offer until i sent mine and ended up embarrassed. xD

    • I'm happy to help a new player, and best of luck to you! :)

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