Viewing Ribbons's Profile

User ID: #63708
Username: Ribbons
Gender: Female
Last Online: 1 Apr 2021, 12:58 am
Registered: 7 Jul 2016, 12:18 pm
Username: Ribbons
Gender: Female
Last Online: 1 Apr 2021, 12:58 am
Registered: 7 Jul 2016, 12:18 pm

Profile description
oops um... 57 ;)))))) but I have a 58th slot and enough to buy a 59th >:3
ribbonsssss <3 my villager army grows ;w;
*flops at you* <3
np friend friend
in forums thers som fre css look in code parts
okie thx
kjsadhfkasjdfaskdfksldj lkj aklsfjalskdfjaslkdjf lasdjf k
will mak paints
how much is a good price to sell basic paints
hi idk what im doing and how do u make fd
Oh gosh it's been a while but I do remember! How are you?
Thanks for your comment on Sweet Toof! I've updated her design to a new paintie named I love you. ♡ ♡ I'm super proud but let me know what you think :D