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Viewing EggsFennedict's Profile

User ID: #6290
Username: EggsFennedict
Gender: Female
Last Online: 2 Jan 2025, 9:19 pm
Registered: 1 Jul 2016, 2:43 pm

Profile description


Chomp army art courtesy of NihilisticCake


Redla | Female | Pansexual | Neurodivergent As Fuck | Shameless Furry | Aspiring Novelist (Creative Writing Major)
Love: Be More Chill | TGWDLM | The Borrowers | Beastars | Phineas & Ferb | Avatar The Last Airbender | Arthur and the Invisibles | Grounded

I have no eyes please forgive me if I misread your posts!


Profile CSS by @tropicaldeer

Villagers 28

Comments 445

    • Level doesn't matter so much as long as you have good gear. A well equipped level 10 could be as good or better than a decently equipped level 20. Try min-maxing. If you equip your warrior so that all the stats are evenly highish, they won't be as high as if you focus on certain stats. Most people go intelligence+agility/speed so that they can use magic builds. I tend to go strength+agility and focus on raw damage with occasional utility or magic. There's no 'wrong' builds per say, but you shouldn't limit yourself, and always try to shake it up to improve your builds. Don't rely on health and healing so much and try to boost that agility. If you're not getting hit, then you don't need a super high endurance. lol
      Good luck!

    • My rainbow python for your rainbow bear?

    • Your character is adorable!

    • I don't want to derail the thread so I'm gonna comment here if that's okay-- Anyways, I've seen people post threads confused why they got rejected when they had a limited base with a costume. A paintie mod said the limited base is ignored if you add a costume but I forgot where I saw that.
      I think only chibi's with costumes get a pass because they cost money-- I've seen a gembound with a chibi paintie and costume on too. Seems kinda...Unfair imo.

      That or someone is being sneaky and getting a limited paintie made THEN adding a costume once accepted but that would be a sneaky rule break ha.

    • No problem!! It's lucky I had made a bunch. Lol

    • I know!! ^^ I send things after I post just in case sniping happens. Lol

    • Yeah I really enjoyed the first one too, it was the event that really got me into the site. I just camped out in the minipet shop trying to get enough pets to feed to the serpent to hopefully get a rainbow cloud cat. xD I love the art on the rainbow pets, I'm so happy there's gonna be more of them to collect.

      Wow you're very prepared lol! I think I have 300ish pets and 300ish equipment pieces, all of my animal harems take up too much space for me to store much. I'll probably just grind in deadly monsters and camp in the minipet shop again when the event starts :P

    • Aww thank you, good luck to you aswell! I'm really looking forward to this festival, I hope it starts soon! ^-^

    • Sure, I'll send them over <3 It's no trouble, I've been grinding a lot for Feathers so I've ended up with a bunch of spares that I won't use. If you need anything else let me know! :3

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