Viewing Charchar's Profile

User ID: #62795
Username: Charchar
Gender: Unspecified
Last Online: 27 May 2019, 4:54 pm
Registered: 7 Jul 2016, 5:00 am
Username: Charchar
Gender: Unspecified
Last Online: 27 May 2019, 4:54 pm
Registered: 7 Jul 2016, 5:00 am

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Jeeze... I'm so sorry that Smol_Nick dude keeps stirring up drama...
silently slinks into the comments
I can't accept gifts from u after you had a bad experience D:
It should be the other way around xD
Sent c;
Can you send my Pumpkitty back please?
Please refrain from sending me donations, you guys earned them <33
I heard you got scammed out of 10k FC. ;w; Would you like 10k from me as a gift?
i broke your spinny things D< made them allllll crooked XD
whatcha mean by that? XD