Eli Brennus Viverna
Animal Husbandry
Kit Terra Crevan
ahh, thank you so much ;u;
love your BG!
Thank you! ^-^
sorry, i didnt see the trade before! If i need to send any more fc or anything else, please let me know ^^
Thank you so much Xombiekitty :D
Hi! I really like all your villagers, they're so cute! ^~^
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Thank you so much for the little things you've given me! You're so wonderful! <3
Thank you so much for the gift!
Thank you so much for the gifts!
Thank you for the seeds!! ;0;
Report User Profile
ahh, thank you so much ;u;
love your BG!
Thank you! ^-^
sorry, i didnt see the trade before! If i need to send any more fc or anything else, please let me know ^^
Thank you so much Xombiekitty :D
Hi! I really like all your villagers, they're so cute! ^~^
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Thank you so much for the little things you've given me! You're so wonderful! <3
Thank you so much for the gift!
Thank you so much for the gifts!
Thank you for the seeds!! ;0;