Viewing Kirami's Profile
User ID: #59964
Username: Kirami
Gender: Female
Last Online: 6 Nov 2017, 2:39 pm
Registered: 6 Jul 2016, 4:57 pm
Username: Kirami
Gender: Female
Last Online: 6 Nov 2017, 2:39 pm
Registered: 6 Jul 2016, 4:57 pm
Profile description
Hey guys
I quit FV so i no longer play it as a game, sorry.
i will come on here to offer commissions always though! i love to do commissions for paintie bases still :P so dont worry. i just wont be playing this trainwreck of a website, which has honestly spoiled my view on petsites, after 10 years of playing petsites. but this is a whole 'nother rant.
Contact me via PM, Email, Or my Deviantart if interested in commissions!
email: [email protected]
Deviantart: Kiramii
(two i's)
recolor of base, with no edits: 5$
edited base with spliced wings/tails/horns/ect: 10$
edited base with self drawn addons: 15$
re-draw entirely of base in own lineart (pixel or normal lines): 20$
(fullsize image included in this option)
I quit FV so i no longer play it as a game, sorry.
i will come on here to offer commissions always though! i love to do commissions for paintie bases still :P so dont worry. i just wont be playing this trainwreck of a website, which has honestly spoiled my view on petsites, after 10 years of playing petsites. but this is a whole 'nother rant.
Contact me via PM, Email, Or my Deviantart if interested in commissions!
email: [email protected]
Deviantart: Kiramii
(two i's)
recolor of base, with no edits: 5$
edited base with spliced wings/tails/horns/ect: 10$
edited base with self drawn addons: 15$
re-draw entirely of base in own lineart (pixel or normal lines): 20$
(fullsize image included in this option)
I just adopted Inari from Hexephra, I really love him! I hope you don't mind I edited his bio CSS a little, but still kept credits and everything on him from you. :3
Just adopted Glacialis! Really wanted a dragon and carpenter, he's perfect.
I've added your name to Inari's bio! I'm so glad I got him, he's beautiful :)
Do you have 100fd that i can offer on to get my first paintie?
;u; thank you aaaaah @glaciarie
Your painties are really nice!