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Viewing Mail's Profile

User ID: #58688
Username: Mail
Gender: Non-Binary
Last Online: 14 Jun 2017, 11:21 pm
Registered: 6 Jul 2016, 1:16 pm

Villagers 7

Comments 5

    • Yeah, now that we're allowed unlimited villagers I've decided I want to bring more of my OCs into the site and I'm super excited. > w >

      I'm hoping the costumes come out for more species as well, specifically wickers and gembounds. I'd love me a steampunk Wicker, or an even more beastly wicker! Mythic Gembounds and Wickers would be awesome too, I think.

      What do you think of the new Shifty species, though? Will you use one to bring in your OCs as they naturally are?

    • Your villager collection is coming along nicely!

    • thank you for your purchases!

    • tumblr_inline_mr2ib8ortB1rxsw83.gifThank you so much for your purchase!tumblr_inline_mr2ib8ortB1rxsw83.gif
      Please feel free to contact me anytime!
      I love to give advice and helptumblr_inline_mr2ib0ujTa1rxsw83.gif


    • Ermagherd it's Mail! Happy to see you here, and I see you've already picked your OC pets!

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