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Viewing Basilisk's Profile

User ID: #54924
Username: Basilisk
Gender: Female
Last Online: 29 Nov 2024, 3:17 pm
Registered: 5 Jul 2016, 8:21 pm

Profile description

toyhouse_icon_by_aquasparkles-da86kdz.pn | deviantart_icon_by_aquasparkles-da86kdh.

To those Anons who have showered me with kindness, Thank you. I'd love a proper chance to thank you...and give you many hugs.


Reminders to self;

- Magical Rodent/Deer/Cat/Gembound stickers
- Paintie Tickets galore.
- Second Mythic for a canine.
- Painties specifically for Viper, Pudge, Nolan, Keren, Tundra and William.
- Work on character blurbs for my babies.


I am Leaf and I will steal your ice cream, soda(not Coke - With the exception if the cherry vanilla - or any of the 7-up wannabes. Yuck! xP) and drool on all shiny things.
I'm an old fart adult and occasionally act the part.
I Love caramel things, SO many animes, games, pokemon, rping, my children(they be cats), Fire Emblem, polar burrs/foxes/cats/bunnies and cranberries. Especially my girlfriend~
Social icons are made by AquaSparkles on dA.

She/her, I don't really have a preference for this just don't call me it. x3

Villagers 49

Comments 14

    • I knooooow, I'm just hoping it'll come out on Switch ;0; I don't own a PS4 or PC haha. Here's hoping!

    • I just wanna flitter in here just to say I absolutely love your username :o

    • Oh my gosh! That was so sweet, you didn’t need to do that C:

    • thank you once again xD that means a lot to me

    • Sorry for such a late reply, but I'm glad it fits so well aaa! His paintie as well!. I'm so glad I could help you name him o:

    • I see you're trying to rename Lunar, I really love thinking of names/researching names. So maybe Akeldama-Badar would work? Akeldama means 'field of blood' and Badar means 'full moon' in Arabic. I was trying to squeeze in blue, but the ones I found just didnt fit in with that. I'm sorry if I'm bugging you or this name is of no interest, but maybe it will spark you to think of a name ^^. Have a lovely day <3

    • Oh nice - my Skuld is getting pretty close then <3 ~ thanks !

    • EEE I'm so glad btw what is max on crafting???

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