Viewing SplashStar's Profile
Profile description
Planning on leaving, I just have to bring myself to sell everything, but the art.
DM offers for low/interesting ID villagers.
DeeJay - my little brother
Discord: Geep#0888 (I'm very active there)
I'm usually SplashStar or MagpiePhantasm anywhere else
Logo by Oni
DM offers for low/interesting ID villagers.
DeeJay - my little brother
Discord: Geep#0888 (I'm very active there)
I'm usually SplashStar or MagpiePhantasm anywhere else
Logo by Oni
Villagers 24
Gallery 1
Australian Shepherd Canine Plush x1
Ragzoti Lol! I won't tell them, promise.
Daaaaamn! I'm kinda the same running-wise. My school cheats a lil though to get better scores for funding. We only run 15 meters *don't tell common core!*
Ragzoti I am pretty fast, I just don't have stamina. A guy from my gym class got 61, and he collapsed when he got done, but the school record is 114. I don't know how someone could run that long.
I as well. I got 54, and a little dehydration xD The nurse was so confused, bless her soul(super nice nurse)
Literally no other ones. I was just being dumb.
@PopcornSnuffler What other SplashStar do you know?
I only just made the connection you were the same SplashStar as on Flight Rising and The Exalt Rescuers.
Hah, thanks! ^^ ValiantValkyrie did an amazing job with her paintie.
thank you!
kroevolkture Don't worry, I was gone when the last person sent their FD. I will be sending everyone their tickets shortly.