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Viewing MarbleHYBRID's Profile

User ID: #5272
Username: MarbleHYBRID
Last Online: 17 Dec 2024, 1:09 pm
Registered: 1 Jul 2016, 2:05 pm

Profile description

I'm about 8 hours ahead of FV time, so please keep that in mind for when I don't answer PMs or pings quick enough ^^

latest?cb=20120205035019 latest?cb=20120205035019 latest?cb=20120205035019 948a9927a0646a6228e51828592ca49a.jpg

CSS by Lu #3828

Hi there! I'm so glad you took the time to look here <3

Call me Max, or Marble or pretty much any other nice nickname you want. I'm just your average semi-furry (I'm still unsure myself how I feel about that. To put it clearer, I'm more into neko-like things. Like equal parts human and animal)

If you want, take a look at some of my villager descriptions, they'll appreciate it <3

Feel free to message for any reason <3 I don't bite, as in at all.

Villagers 11

Comments 36

    • Thank you for the trade!


    • Thanks for the FC. I didn't expect to get so much

    • Wow thanks so much! I'm eternally grateful :DDD

    • Everything here is awesome, especially the ARG stuff
      Keep on my fellow

    • Haha thanks!
      He's one of my favorites too!

    • asdafghjksdg ty for the seeds ;v;; you really didn't have to give me that many but it's much appreciated!

    • I'm just getting into the ARG scene and suddenly your username and everything makes sense....--

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