Viewing Lucio's Profile

User ID: #5151
Username: Lucio
Gender: Female
Last Online: 10 Mar 2024, 11:13 am
Registered: 1 Jul 2016, 2:02 pm
Username: Lucio
Gender: Female
Last Online: 10 Mar 2024, 11:13 am
Registered: 1 Jul 2016, 2:02 pm

Profile description
Come on, let's bring it together!

All of your pets look stunning. I'm in love!
nice username :D
well I think it's supposed to be the 'more powerful' of the two swords we's components are from rare creatures instead of uncommon. Which tells me it should be the more powerful
But you know how rare 'sword hilts' are from uncommon enemies? You need 75 to make the 'mid tier' weapon.
That one i gave you, the upper and more powerful one? 2 hilts..just 2 hilts from rare enemies.
Other ingredients are the same.
Heh thanks :P.
The sad part is..that is our 'endgame weapon' in olde's also the easier of the two weapons to make. After I sent that to you I got the parts to make myself another one.
Mind you I already have another good weapon and that is part of why it is so easy..but that's still how it goes.
Yes you may. :D Also, on an unrelated note, I'm so glad you have the little pixel Lucio there. ;-; <3
thank you for buying all my iron and congrats on that A+ canon username!