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Viewing Scarlet-Lafontaine's Profile

User ID: #49948
Username: Scarlet-Lafontaine
Registered: 5 Jul 2016, 4:19 am

Profile description

Will accept all friend requests sent unless I suspect the account of being someone I don't like.
Accepted friend request does not make you actual friend unless you've earned my friendship or we're friends elsewhere.

Will accept gifts.

Will roleplay.

Won't accept any prying or whining.
Comments asking for rare or hard to find things and/or whining from non-friends will be poked fun at and saved for laughs later on,
This does not apply to trade offers, those aren't the same as begging for items, sorry to anyone who has thought trades count as begging, begging falls under wanting to get something free while being a total stranger, or offering say, for example: a white uni in return for a red drax.

Villagers 19

Comments 44

    • If you're reading this, then you'll know I commented to myself.

      Dunno why, this ain't Twitter, amirite?

    • That kind of sounds like us, only my fiance would be you and I would be your girlfriend, with our boyfriend being your fiance lol
      I'm glad she is there to keep you safe!! And that everyone is happy and cares for each other ;v;
      Does it ever make you sad that you can't marry both of them? (If you'd even want to.) We looked into the three of us getting married somewhere down the line, but it's damn near impossible to do, and really frowned upon ;A;

      I hope your love for each other never fades and that you do have financial and living security!!

    • Exactly!! Excellent advice for anyone, but especially those in poly relationships!! ;v;
      5 years with your people? That's incredible! Congrats!!
      May I ask if you are closed or open, and just in general how your relationship works? Ours is closed in a triad, but my other poly friends are all open

    • My first boyfriend and I started out just the two of us for 5 years, but had talked about adding someone for a long time. Once we did, our level of communication increased ten fold!! You gotta be open with talking about everything so no one gets hurt! It's so nice and in my eyes makes so much sense, at least for those who are all willing participants ;v; Got a lot of love to give? Give it to more than one person! :3

    • -Strikes a pose- Poly people are my fav kind of people and thank you!! ;v;

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