Viewing Epic_The_Dragon's Profile
User ID: #48020
Username: Epic_The_Dragon
Gender: Female
Last Online: 15 Jun 2018, 2:43 pm
Registered: 4 Jul 2016, 9:10 pm
Username: Epic_The_Dragon
Gender: Female
Last Online: 15 Jun 2018, 2:43 pm
Registered: 4 Jul 2016, 9:10 pm
Profile description
Helo frends.
I am a confused weirdo who does games, art, writing, memes, and attempts at socializing. I'm sorry if I accidentally trigger you, or if something I make/do/say (like, a joke or creepy thing or both) goes too far. I'm fine with creeping people out a little bit, but I don't want you to have a full-on panic attack, okay?
Animals are A+, especially cats, foxes, herptiles and some insects (the only bugs I'm really scared of for nonsensical reasons are cockroaches, but I'm a lot better at not screeching or being squicked out than when I was when I was smol.) I also really like dragons and dinosaurs, even if they're certainly not what comes to mind when you say "animal," but they could definitely be counted.
I am a copy-paste/stare-at-wiki level CSS person, so none of my stuff is all that fancy (or original- my profile, for example, is mostly made of free-to-use stuff of (unfortunately) forgotten origin), but feel free to give tips! Please don't post overly negative things about my CSS/art without any explanation or thought. (Actually, I think that works for posting about anything, really...)
I now have a few painties to my name- Hoping to get more, but that login streak is long and I like having enough FD to possibly purchase adopts, heh- and a decent-ish pile of Fancy (and Regular) Monies™. Nothing too special, but I get by just fine. I'm kinda active on the forums, but a lot of times I just lurk- please don't be upsetti if I give you a random pm or comment- I'm probably trying to be a friendly friend/advice-giver!
(...If you're wondering what that was, my previous desc. didn't recognise the fact that I attained painties or money, even if I'm still a "plebian peasant here in furry heck." I mean, I'm at least not very well-known, and, as far as I know, I'm not rich by any means. Really, I'm just not new and I still actively play, just not "hardcore.")
I am a confused weirdo who does games, art, writing, memes, and attempts at socializing. I'm sorry if I accidentally trigger you, or if something I make/do/say (like, a joke or creepy thing or both) goes too far. I'm fine with creeping people out a little bit, but I don't want you to have a full-on panic attack, okay?
Animals are A+, especially cats, foxes, herptiles and some insects (the only bugs I'm really scared of for nonsensical reasons are cockroaches, but I'm a lot better at not screeching or being squicked out than when I was when I was smol.) I also really like dragons and dinosaurs, even if they're certainly not what comes to mind when you say "animal," but they could definitely be counted.
I am a copy-paste/stare-at-wiki level CSS person, so none of my stuff is all that fancy (or original- my profile, for example, is mostly made of free-to-use stuff of (unfortunately) forgotten origin), but feel free to give tips! Please don't post overly negative things about my CSS/art without any explanation or thought. (Actually, I think that works for posting about anything, really...)
I now have a few painties to my name- Hoping to get more, but that login streak is long and I like having enough FD to possibly purchase adopts, heh- and a decent-ish pile of Fancy (and Regular) Monies™. Nothing too special, but I get by just fine. I'm kinda active on the forums, but a lot of times I just lurk- please don't be upsetti if I give you a random pm or comment- I'm probably trying to be a friendly friend/advice-giver!
(...If you're wondering what that was, my previous desc. didn't recognise the fact that I attained painties or money, even if I'm still a "plebian peasant here in furry heck." I mean, I'm at least not very well-known, and, as far as I know, I'm not rich by any means. Really, I'm just not new and I still actively play, just not "hardcore.")
Villagers 6
Gallery 4
Icehands x514
Magic Penguin Velociraptor Plush x1
Meteorite x1
Sapphire Giant Gem x1
Comment has been hidden
It is!! My face lit up when I saw someone recognized my avatar :'0!!!
My problem went away as soon as I made my post. Hopefully yours get better too >.<
Thank you for the comment on my paintie! Love Crimsonette and her entire about section! :D
I know right! Whenever I go to a family friend's farm I usually watch the vultures a bunch. And then at night I would call owls (whenever 3 or 4 get close together they start monkey calling) birds just b lit OvO
thank u so much! crimsonette is adorable <33
Thank you for liking my space cat baby. And, yes, it is indeed a Markiplier quote and one of my favorite parts of his description, hehe.
!! i am not small i AM LARge ANd ScARY rrRRrrr
Please note that most of this fancy new css was free-to-use from the forums, not mine. Thank.
That is a factual statement, and I cannot disagree.
Except maybe for Canadian geese. They're concentrated evil simply disguised as birds...