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Viewing PinkTempest's Profile

User ID: #43596
Username: PinkTempest
Gender: Genderfluid
Registered: 4 Jul 2016, 9:41 am

Profile description

Hi there! I'm Ryn, a not-so-humble raccoon.


I block a lot of animated gifs in places like signatures, sorry, so if communication about something with a gif involved seems weird, that's probably why.

My socialization ability and desire fluctuates pretty widely. If we've been talking and I seem to drop out of existence, I'm really sorry and you probably didn't do a single thing wrong- I'm more likely to tell you, in that case. I've just come down with a case of the 'can't's.

PLEASE do not thank me for shopping. It's weird and clutters up my page just because I made a transaction.

Villagers 10

Comments 4

    • Haha, now that you mention it, she does look kinda like a cantelope. XD
      Thank you for your nice comment. <3

    • Ah, your squirrels aren't breedable until tomorrow! I shall breed them then <3

    • Ahh thank you very much!! ;v; <33

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