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Viewing Goji's Profile

User ID: #3941
Username: Goji
Last Online: 8 Dec 2022, 11:45 am
Registered: 1 Jul 2016, 1:21 pm

Profile description

I am no longer active. If you were linked here from my art or painties, you can locate me on other social media for my work!

My Deviantart




I funded the Best Friends Furrever plush! The purple dog is PriestGuts fursona and the pink one is mine. He's the best!

Villagers 1

Comments 148

    • Hey Goji, I was about to ask to be put on the ping list for your paintie commissions thread, but I realized it was several months old & I wasn't sure if you wanted it bumped or not u///u
      so please add me if it's still relevant <3

    • Seriously tho, nice to hear from you again :D

    • Oh nooooo not my punkins
      (smash all the pumpkins you want I've got like three hundred, go nuts <3)

    • aa ty;;; thats v sweet!!!

    • np my dude have fun smashin n get them ghosts!! im just gonna dump candy on you in the meantime lmao i have. so much,,,

    • XD no problem! feel free to come back whenever. i legit have more jack-o-lanterns than friends

    • feel free to smash literally all of my pumpkins,i don't care

    • NEVER


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