Viewing VampAllana's Profile

User ID: #37701
Username: VampAllana
Gender: Female
Last Online: 3 Apr 2022, 12:30 pm
Registered: 3 Jul 2016, 3:30 pm
Username: VampAllana
Gender: Female
Last Online: 3 Apr 2022, 12:30 pm
Registered: 3 Jul 2016, 3:30 pm

Profile description
retired account
You don't need to apologize for that~ .-.
I was just browsing your stalls and noticed you had no prices on them. I like stalking your stalls. So I can wait, don't worry.
Why u no have Pine Slabs and Knuckle Bones for sale?
Np! I'm trying to make some furcoins to expand my village. :) I hope you don't mind!
(You kno you're selling them below void value, right?)
I love your profile!!
Exactly! lol And it sucks even more when you can't find what your looking for
Thank you so very much. I'm still collecting stuff that i need to be able to get more stuff done if that makes sense x.x lol
Thank you very much ^.^ Is your malamute named Akuma? Hope you have fun playing this game :D
Heya, Thanks for keeping prices low in your stall. If you'd be willing, I could give you 2,000fc if you'd make me a custom profile skin. Im not good with CSS and I yours looks great ~
Thanks much! Your painties are very cute by the way~
I am a little late, but thank you for the item(s), the sneks are very thankful for your kindness!!