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Viewing CrunchyLatte's Profile

User ID: #37622
Username: CrunchyLatte
Gender: Transmasc
Registered: 3 Jul 2016, 3:18 pm

Profile description

Hi all. You can call me Latte. I like many things <3
21 y/o furry-guy at your service

I like a lot of things! I'll try to list them all,
but I will probably forget some stuff.

Wings of Fire
TTRPGs in general
Toontown: Corporate Clash
Life is Strange
Farming games in general
Monster-taming games in general

Need help?
I can offer some assistance! General questions about
the site are always able to be answered by me.
I can also gift some pets, house materials, and
maybe some FC to get you started. I've been here
for five years and counting, so don't feel bad for
asking about any of the things listed!

I primarily focus on animal husbandry/minipet collecting. However, herbalism is my main source
of income. For all new players who may be browsing
my profile; get a herbalist. I'll give seeds to jumpstart
your gardening career teehee

Villagers 32

Comments 159

    • Yes you did ^w^/ I'm glad you recognized it!! I'm a huge RWBY fan!

    • I don't think you came across as rude. I think you came across as someone who was hurt that their loved one was being attacked. (I don't go on the forums much, but I think I saw the call outs you mentioned.) It's sad that this whole thing nearly ruined FV for her.

      Glad to do what little I can to help. You seem like a nice person too. ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ

    • Hey there! I can give that compliment right back to you! You gave me the idea to donate FD!

      I hope you have a wonderful day~

    • Thanks for all the FD donations! You're awesome!

    • I thought it was very generous of you to give FD to the Tree. Putting it in small amounts allowed more people to grab some. Thank you.

    • Thank you for your generosity on the giving tree.

    • You're very generous...

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