Viewing Teacup's Profile

User ID: #35830
Username: Teacup
Gender: Female
Last Online: 2 Feb 2024, 1:11 pm
Registered: 3 Jul 2016, 11:27 am
Username: Teacup
Gender: Female
Last Online: 2 Feb 2024, 1:11 pm
Registered: 3 Jul 2016, 11:27 am

Profile description

22 | F | Scandinavia | My tumblr
Digital artist, 3D/VFX generalist & graphic designer.
I have both an art shop & a paintie/premade shop.

qt art by Wendigo
Love your art and style. But sadly your links to your shops are not working.
Hey, thank you for the art!! It's freekin awesome!
thanks 4 taking my red wuff
She's been a help~! I'm just waiting on somebody I know from TEP to come back so Momo can finally knock out that last village.
Thank you for your purchase~
Jaaa haha føle den!! og hei hei!! hyggelig!! Er bare en simpel sørvestlending her ´ v ` ) /
8O fellow skandinavier!!
Lillie (aka Gold) is well-loved, thanks for makin the paintie o3o
ah, sorry for not specifying!
last paradise was the one i meant, thank you!! it's so gorgeous, i'll definitely be bookmarking it to buy later