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Viewing Kuro_Neko's Profile

User ID: #35151
Username: Kuro_Neko
Gender: Unspecified
Registered: 3 Jul 2016, 9:41 am

Profile description

Pouhi // 18+ // any pronouns
ISFP-T 9w8
May 08

i like to draw and play games... but i dont like talking so much...

feel free to DM for a chat ^^

Villagers 10

Comments 23

    • Thank you so much for the support! Any amount helps^ ^

    • Thank you for the fairies and no worries! I had forgotten myself, haha. x3c

    • iF ANyoNe of u NeRDs ToucH THis BAbe I wiLL
      PerONally cUt u

    • Yeah, it's really annoying that they removed the convert function despite saying that the festival officially ends on the 21st. They said that the pumpkin judging would happen on the 14th but instead they just went and screwed everything up :(

    • Thank you for the gift! I love Flittens!

    • l leave pumpkin man at your door *W*

    • Thank you! :)

    • Thank you!!

    • No problem c:

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