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Viewing Lucid's Profile

User ID: #34401
Username: Lucid
Gender: Female
Last Online: 3 Oct 2020, 10:30 am
Registered: 3 Jul 2016, 6:58 am

Profile description

Quitting- Trading Everything for FR Here

Trophy box thingie on my profile by msjanny #7302
Forum vistas (purple) by genie #45295 and (rainbow) by buffalo #29539

Villagers 0

Comments 538

    • Okies well let me know if you do need any, I seem to amass tokens really quickly (probably because I battle every 10 minutes LOL) but I already feel like I'm done in OD - I've made one of each costume, well 2 of the aquatic, my herbalist has mastered all the seeds, my Dr has mastered the medicines now I'm just...hoarding things. I hope we get the actual totem rather than it's auto applied to our account, then I can move and then apply it ;w; lol

    • Your welcome <3 My constructionist is always making stuff, though I'm trying to replace all of my herbalist posts with 300+ durability ones, it's slow going since it takes her 70 minutes to make one >.< I just got to level 350 though ^_^
      I ended up making 6 - 2 of each.
      If you move and need more tokens, I have 370 sun tokens I can trade you for any other ones, doubt I will need more than 2 of each? and if we do then yeah, we can just move back....what I'm worried about now though is if OD wins the food drive thing and I have to give up my extra worker slot if I want to move again, I'll be stuck here for over a month! LOL ;w;

    • haha I did notice that :p the battle feature is so boring there though, Plus I think the avatars are ugly.
      The only thing I was remotely interested in was the AD dolls but I cba to keep clicking in the arcade for 10k SS when everything costs like a million :x It's a shame though because the art is so cute ;w;

    • haha it's alright, the person I blocked/deleted is someone I did a dragon trade with but haven't spoken to them for like 2 years so it's fine, I doubt they will even notice. I accept random friend requests too on there, I just assume the person likes my lair or something and wants to remember it for later? Otherwise idk why people randomly add lol
      I got bored with that goatlings game already >.<
      The AD dolls are so cute but there is nothing really to do except go to the arcade every few hours and hope for some SS :/ lol

    • Yeah it does delete the person as a friend and when you unblock, they aren't your friend anymore...whoops xD

    • LOL are you sure? It might not delete...I'll block someone from my friends list and if it removes them, then we will know <3

    • Idk actually, if I block you it might delete you from my friends too? I like having you in the first spot :P

    • lol ok :p do I search for your un? Or let me know what item to search?

    • Yeah I don't really like it much either :<
      I'm sure I will get used to it but it looks so cluttered plus....basic compared to the old look?
      I do like that we have so much new search options though and I love that I don't have to collect every sale manually through mail! I already made 70g and I'm enjoying just letting it build up xD

    • I can hold 365 items right now but there is only 29 in there lol, That's what I'm worried about, this place is so unorganized >.<

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