Viewing Lucid's Profile
User ID: #34401
Username: Lucid
Gender: Female
Last Online: 3 Oct 2020, 10:30 am
Registered: 3 Jul 2016, 6:58 am
Username: Lucid
Gender: Female
Last Online: 3 Oct 2020, 10:30 am
Registered: 3 Jul 2016, 6:58 am
Profile description
Quitting- Trading Everything for FR Here
Trophy box thingie on my profile by msjanny #7302
Forum vistas (purple) by genie #45295 and (rainbow) by buffalo #29539
Villagers 0
Gallery 120
Abyssal Spear (136%)
Twilight Helm (120%)
Nightshade Dagger (138%)
Card-Sharp's Deck (100%)
Sword of Kindness (100%)
Festive Holiday Sword (100%) [12]
Festive Holiday Shield (100%) [2]
Flame Staff (113%)
Thank you! I learn a lot from battling you. You pick your moves well. My favorite battle so far was the one where we both ended with 0 health. I was on the edge of my seat. So fun!
Aww okies, well congrats on getting one anyway <3
Not a big fan of the sharks this month tbh but eh, can't win em all
Wahh just bred a lion cub! :D
Attempting the feast again this month, need two more sweeticorns so I can toast them lol
I didn't manage to breed any SR but I did breed a rare pawsum (again, manged to breed 3 of these lol) and a rare enefant. This months minipets are super cute! and I'm reallllly happy there is only 3 now, it makes things much easier but still some challenge ^-^
I bought 4 of each of the new bags and I got 4 common burbodile, 4 uncommon Draorse and 4 rare weird lol
I had the opposite problems with the Razberry bears - all males and no females, I bought one though so you don't need to send anything in return <3
Fackin auto correct :k
Haha it's happened a few times already, people overfed by a few points, they just message and say Oops sorry about that xD
It seemed to work well last month and nobody pulled a sly one and sped ahead last minute so hopefully no-one does it this month either, if they do though, well least I will get one top 3 spot so it's all good ^-^
Ah unfortunately I have none of those red rubies anyway, only a few of the green ones but if i manage to find one, your more than welcome to it <3
I just had some great luck with pet breeding again! I need a horned guinea pig on the first breed! Then a ragamuffin flatten! :D Now I'm just worried that's going to mean tomorrow will be shit and it's my last day to breed the Aerkits and pawsums lol
Aww I haven't been playing much lately either - Feeling lack of motivation for all of my games right now though not just FV and I deactivated my FB, with anything right now -_- lol
What materials do you need for the staffs? I might have some that you can have, I managed to make 2 wands and got a fire and an ice one but I haven't been battling for a while or making anything.
Someone mailed me and told me that if multiple people have the same score, then you all count for the same place in the feast....that's why you see so many of us with the same number of foods eaten xD
Wish I'd have known that before and I would have fed a bunch of different villagers but oh well, maybe next month if I can be bothered to keep cooking lol
I moved over to Oceandome for a worker slot totem (hopefully they win again, the board has been hidden lol) but I might stay here for a few weeks....I really do want to stay in TEP permanently....but I've run out of all seeds apart from TEP and I'm too much of a hoarder of all the things to know if I can stay here forever....the wanderlust is strong xD
Thank you for the sweet compliment! <3
Oooh congrats to you too! The royal flion is sooo pretty! ^-^
True, I hate all of the clicking of putting them into the stables, taking them back out, sorting them back into storage/menagerie etc :x
Also when I'm removing them all from the stables, I used to be able to just spam click them out but now it goes so fast I have no choice to pretty much do one by one :x
I'm soooo excited! I uploaded a paintie before I went offline yesterday and she was approved already! -pokes Phada- I'm seriously in love with her <3