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Viewing Amrie's Profile

User ID: #34227
Username: Amrie
Gender: Female
Registered: 3 Jul 2016, 6:16 am

Profile description


23 - Female - Australia

I'm not a furry, I just enjoy browser games like this!
I also play Flight Rising! I'm Amrie #60075!

Villagers 19

Comments 47

    • seriously, thank you for all the fair priced pets you put into your stall. I got so many critters I have been looking for for ages thanks to you! you are great ^.^

    • I know it's not a good feeling to misprice! thanks for the bonus FC

    • I saw your thread about your stall sales, I'll just go head and send a trade~

    • Hello! I was wondering if you'd be willing to sell one of your Keepsake Sun Crystals from your stall for FD equivalent? If so, please send me a trade!

    • Thank you for accepting it!!!

    • thank you!! <3

    • Thank you anon, I really appreciate it <3

    • It even has two sockets ya lucky bee

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