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Viewing Falorie's Profile

User ID: #33164
Username: Falorie
Gender: Ferret
Registered: 3 Jul 2016, 2:50 am

Profile description


Female | Ferret | Virgo


Hiya *waves* I'm Falorie. I love mustelids, the color orange, drawing, and making painties.
Eventually most of my villagers will be mustelid-tized. I'll collect more as I go!
Painted Mustelids 14/50+

My ferret army is slowly growing. Mwahaha!

Quick Links
DA | TH | AF)

When crediting my art, you can link to my DA or my TH. Whatever is fine.

My Wishlist
CSS from the Coding Help forum

Villagers 116

Comments 113

    • youre welcome!! and you dont have to send me anything if you dont want to, i just had some extras lying around and wanted to help :3

    • No problem! Had a baker's dozen anyway. xD

    • You are welcome :3

    • I managed to miss a few food because I'm a derp, sending you another trade with it XD sorry!

    • If you want/have 150k FC you can send that in the "offer" of the trade and I can send the other with the extra 10 foods so I don't have to redo all of it. But that's if you have the FC/prefer the food. Otherwise I'll probably just stick with the FC partial <3

    • Thanks again. I'll send you the cash as payment

    • Ty for helping me ;v;

    • No worries! Thanks for letting me know.

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