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User ID: #3142
Username: Sassibirb
Registered: 1 Jul 2016, 12:55 pm

Profile description

I may take a while to respond sometimes, and I promise it's nothing personal! I just get overwhelmed sometimes and need time to compose myself before replying. Talking can be very tiresome, and thank you in advance for your patience!

Kitsune collection in gallery :D my villagers Zorolth and Fleurri have my foxfire kitsunes, and the others from that breeding line are in my menagerie atm.

10/20/17 -
Got a max durability Sword of Discourse!

12/19/18 -
Got max durability Shield of Discourse!

Cool bases by the awesome Oreloki!!

Villagers 89

Comments 627

    • It was part of the Stormfront battlegrounds a while back - it's one of my favorite pieces of equipment from the event!

    • Yeah, absolutely! I've seen it do 1000+ damage through 1000 lightning resist, it's pretty overpowered. You just missed the warrior event to get it, though!

    • Congrats! I'd be no problem at all. ^^ just poke me with a message/post to remind me. You don't have to keep sending me potions haha but I highly appreciate it! :)

    • Mine came out all female, but I'll probably genderswap a SR to use as a stud and you're definitely free to use him then. C:

    • I'm so sorry, Sassibirb ;; I feel bad about offering my plush cheaper. I bought some nice user-made accents yesterday, so I like to think of it as the gems are pretty much replacing the ones I spent on accents haha

    • No worries, I am testing out items and builds. I normally have a lot of physical damage but im just trying out new things. I cant expect them to all work out 8P

    • thank you!!! <3

    • aaAA thank you for the FD for my username change!! i wasn't expecting to see that when i came online today ;w; thank you again!!!

    • I'll think about it. I'm tired at the moment so I'll think about it when I am more awake.

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