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User ID: #3142
Username: Sassibirb
Registered: 1 Jul 2016, 12:55 pm

Profile description

I may take a while to respond sometimes, and I promise it's nothing personal! I just get overwhelmed sometimes and need time to compose myself before replying. Talking can be very tiresome, and thank you in advance for your patience!

Kitsune collection in gallery :D my villagers Zorolth and Fleurri have my foxfire kitsunes, and the others from that breeding line are in my menagerie atm.

10/20/17 -
Got a max durability Sword of Discourse!

12/19/18 -
Got max durability Shield of Discourse!

Cool bases by the awesome Oreloki!!

Villagers 89

Comments 627

    • Yes, I love the new spyro remake soo good, and hey another Kokichi fan.

    • lol all g! I'll keep and eye out :)

    • hmm youre right, but thats directly selling i would imagine
      then take two villagers as a gift! :) just as you would help in paying for the ringbearer as a gift for the season

    • or two. im actually planning to cut back like half my current villager count

    • oh youre in luck! im actually thinking of giving away my few unused villagers and a 3ID is one of them. if you want, you can get one of the three ids i have (thats named a number)

    • that i can definitely do! you can give me a list of villagers that would be okay to do a paintie for and ill do the rest of the magic! (ofc uhh... i do have commissions lined up so ya might have to wait for awhile /; )

    • i still believe i should give something back!! ;;

    • id just like to say.. i owe you my life..

    • oh wow thats really nice of you, thank you! ;;; but i cant accept any $$ without some sort of compensation :,o so i can only accept your help if i can give something back!

    • Np! It's been a long time since I've done any breeding but I know the feel haha. I've sent a couple more over as bonus. Keep me in mind if you ever need more, I'll throw in a free one for you for every 10 bought! Thanks for the trade and good luck with the breeding :)

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