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Viewing Sassibirb's Profile

User ID: #3142
Username: Sassibirb
Registered: 1 Jul 2016, 12:55 pm

Profile description

I may take a while to respond sometimes, and I promise it's nothing personal! I just get overwhelmed sometimes and need time to compose myself before replying. Talking can be very tiresome, and thank you in advance for your patience!

Kitsune collection in gallery :D my villagers Zorolth and Fleurri have my foxfire kitsunes, and the others from that breeding line are in my menagerie atm.

10/20/17 -
Got a max durability Sword of Discourse!

12/19/18 -
Got max durability Shield of Discourse!

Cool bases by the awesome Oreloki!!

Villagers 89

Comments 627

    • Literally one of the first things I did back in the day, lmao. Originally it was a note to self kinda thing, then I just decided to make my profile my "shop". Although I may relocate to a forum thread eventually, because my profile is looooong now XD Maybe if there was a CSS to make individual parts of the About box scrollable... idk XD

    • The only CSS I had was wobbly villagers on their profiles but that was against the new and improved rules, so I basically skipped CSS entirely. Except for the part where I make the minipet boxes see-through XD

    • Thank you! ^w^

    • Alright~ I'll probably look into it in the (later) morning, since it's so early rn rip :''3

    • I see! I've never actually seen much of the game but i'll check it out :33 Thanks!!

    • Aaa thank you!! :3 And, my name was inspired by the character Pit from Kid Icarus, I hadn't played the game yet but I had played as him in Smash4 :3

    • thank you very much! you have so many darling villagers! ; v;

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