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User ID: #3142
Username: Sassibirb
Registered: 1 Jul 2016, 12:55 pm

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I may take a while to respond sometimes, and I promise it's nothing personal! I just get overwhelmed sometimes and need time to compose myself before replying. Talking can be very tiresome, and thank you in advance for your patience!

Kitsune collection in gallery :D my villagers Zorolth and Fleurri have my foxfire kitsunes, and the others from that breeding line are in my menagerie atm.

10/20/17 -
Got a max durability Sword of Discourse!

12/19/18 -
Got max durability Shield of Discourse!

Cool bases by the awesome Oreloki!!

Villagers 89

Comments 627

    • Most threads about blocking get deleted because "it's every player's right to block other players at their discretion to make the site a suitable environment for them" or something? I get why blacklisting isn't okay but I'm still having trouble with this one. I do believe there's such a thing as invalid blocking reasons, but some of the people who abuse the feature seem so far absorbed in their own little mind that a properly conducted argumentation is no longer considered valid in turn. Which can make it difficult to deal with them unless you want to meet that level and just block everyone who's against open minds and logic?

      Gosh I hope this doesn't sound condescending. It's hard trying to make a case about this because it's so easily interpreted as sarcasm or intentional offense. Like, for example, when I ask someone "What does [someword]sexual mean?" I don't do it to make fun of them. Yes I could google, but I ask them for their definition in order to avoid misinterpreting it, because more often than not, everyone understands that word differently...

      Where was I even going with this, it's late and I'm tired. But yeah, forums are basically egg-shell mode for me, because people will take offense where there was none or be downright condescending and when you want to logically break apart their argumentation it just turns into name-calling (because everyone who doesn't agree with them is a(n) [yourwordofchoicehere]-phobe and ableist, obviously)... I guess I was lucky I never ran into this sort of mentality anywhere before FurVilla, but damn, this place is saltier than the dead sea sometimes. XD

      But then there's awesome people like you whom I can talk normally to, who don't go into snowflake mode and stuff. That's why I still talk to people here and there. Can't be missing out on the good folks over a few bad eggs!

    • The Block-Abuse is real, lmao. But yeah. Usually I tell people if/why I block them. Sometimes I change my mind too. There's really only one person on my list here, for reasons. As adults we should be able to handle things whether we approve or not, and avoiding the problem doesn't let you overcome it XD
      (That's assuming you're adult but I don't mean to pry XD Lately I've met so many mature minors and immature adults that it's gotten hard to really spot the difference. You wouldn't believe how often I've confused them based on their attitudes XD)

    • I'm just glad you're not offended, happens way too easily on this site. The other day I noticed someone blocked me and I'd been talking normally to that person (like not even joking or anything) and I'm just like "why?". Being social on FV feels like Russian Roulette sometimes.

    • No sarcasm here, but did you know you can actually get notified of changelog updates? It's in your settings. Then you get a little notif just like for news, and when you click it leads you to the newest addition(s). I actually always check new changelog entries before so much as dipping my toes into the forum XD

    • Honestly the main issue with change is that it just happens without notice. Usually, including irl, change is gradually (and sometimes so slow you don't notice until it's done XD). I mean they did it right with the Stall tax and announced it beforehand. This update, no advance warning. I feel for the poor souls selling wood or wood products and weren't online, found all their "now considered cheap" stuff sniped and resold for tenfold XD
      Plus it must really suck for anyone mid-grind in construction. One of my previously maxed Carpenters is now at 498/500 skill which is still neato. The other that I didn't use as much after hitting max is somewhere between 250 and 500. But construction wasn't their main thing anyways XD

      I mean, I'm not currently panicking since I know this change doesn't have to be permanent as is. It can still be tinkered with. That's what our feedback is for. It's like Warrior nerfs all over again. Which is why thus far in all threads concerning t his update I've calmly uttered my thoughts, because while it is a bit of a woe, nothing's set in stone and who knows how it may get changed again in due time.

      Oops long comment is long.
      Also I need a "skip to comments" button for my profile lmao.

    • "That's why beta is f-"*shot*

    • I casually stalk the GT for costume materials and seeds, and I drop animals and weapons from Blacksmith grinding in turn. I do believe some people are indeed sniping for profit there but as long as I still helped a few people out, it was probably still worth dumping those recolour and FD/referral pets XD I even saw people drop FD but it always happened during my cooldown, go figure XD

    • As someone who's playing for fun and not profit, I feel ya. With my AHs, I dump all the breeding fails at the Giving Tree now. Before that I used to quicksell them because they took up valuable space XD My main goal right now is completing the menagerie, which was a long term goal from the start but may now take even longer, lmao.

    • I used to do a lot of career hopping so nobody would be idle, but at the moment my village is big enough for me no longer having to do that. Some folks still switch now and then but it's no longer a necessity. And with caps on everything, lots of idle time.

    • To be fair it's hardly business when I don't charge anything aside from the actual needed materials, lmao. I just like grinding and giving my villagers stuff to do so they're not idle.

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