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Viewing Sahara-Fang's Profile

User ID: #28036
Username: Sahara-Fang
Last Online: 7 Dec 2024, 8:39 pm
Registered: 2 Jul 2016, 4:44 pm

Profile description

Where you can find me-
dA;: Sahara-Fang
FR:: SaharaFang
((I usually add close friends only on the top ones sorry))
allakeln__boop_by_sahara_fang-d8s8zex.giArt ShopTrading PostAdoptableshere_comes_a_thought_by_sahara_fang-dahs

Feel free to chat with me, I don't bite

Villagers 24

Comments 9

    • Thank you for the candy!

    • Thanks for the candy! ^^

    • Oops... Sorry about that, I had a bunch of plushie trades happening yesterday....

    • Pardon my asking, why was the trade canceled? And (this is probly really bad) when was the trade started? I remember you needed the pair of Aerkits, but I think the notification got lost.... :)

    • Thank you for your purchase! I appreciate the support. (PS- love your CSS background)

    • I'm getting a error message that you don't have a free slot open?

    • thank you so much for selling a snuffle recipe ive been trying to get it with absolutely no luck

    • how many greater tier items to i need to give you for the fluffy costume

      or the shifty potion

    • Thanks for buying!

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