Viewing -Jackalope-'s Profile

User ID: #26189
Username: -Jackalope-
Gender: Male
Last Online: 20 Feb 2017, 2:45 pm
Registered: 2 Jul 2016, 1:39 pm
Username: -Jackalope-
Gender: Male
Last Online: 20 Feb 2017, 2:45 pm
Registered: 2 Jul 2016, 1:39 pm

Profile description
"I......only destroy"
"That's alright. I'll fix it."
Dragonkin | Demonkin | Fictionkin | Demonic Familar | He/Him |
"That's alright. I'll fix it."
Dragonkin | Demonkin | Fictionkin | Demonic Familar | He/Him |
i just wanted to say hi!! i saw ur kamisama signature in the forums <3
Thank you for the black wuff.
No no, that's okay! I just didn't want to release them if you still wanted them and maybe missed the notifications (or were avoiding them for whatever reason, ie: too busy, stressed, etc). Don't worry about it!
@ -Jackalope-
Heya there! Those animal transfers are still sitting (sent aprox. 9 days 12 hours ago). Since I haven't received a response from you, I'm going to have to cancel them and release them as I need the stable space. I will do so at 12AM FV time tonight if not accepted. If you're not sure how to get to your transfers, they are here:
Hello! A reminder that you posted on my free pet thread approximately six days ago. You should have a couple Octis still in transfer for Jack. I can cancel the transfer if you no longer want them though.
Thank you so much! You are amazing!
thanx dude!!
you're so sweet!!!
thanks for the Strange Celery