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Viewing InsectEnthusiast's Profile

User ID: #225138
Username: InsectEnthusiast
Last Online: 7 Sep 2024, 3:55 pm
Registered: 17 Jun 2024, 3:16 pm

Profile description

A world of pure imagination...

Hello there! For the sake of simplicity, just call me Insect or Sheepy (either work fine)!

I'm a big fan of insects (shocking), hoofed animals (especially sheep!!), music, cozy films, clown/circus stuff, digital art, 3D models/printing, and just generally other creative stuffs!


.-+Current Wishlist+-.




Villagers 13

Comments 8

    • Np! I was wondering if you considered the leaves as currency because you can use them to buy stuff from the Cottage shoppe? If so let me know!

    • of course! thank you for the jar too, i'm going to stare at it like its an anomaly >:D

    • you're welcome! and thank you too :-)

    • The sheep grindset, my friend... also tutorials

    • How are you already this rich you just joined!? :D

    • Your painty looks great!

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