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Viewing JazzHands's Profile

User ID: #219938
Username: JazzHands
Gender: Non-Binary
Last Online: 16 Mar 2025, 9:50 pm
Registered: 19 Aug 2023, 8:42 am

Profile description

Art by dogday

Hello, Furvilla! You can call me Jazz, if you want to call me anything.
ToyHouse || Artfight
Note that some of my characters are adapted from the original to fit Furvilla's gameplay and lore. Everything you see on ToyHouse is the original, think of this as a non-canon spinoff I guess.
255px-Nonbinary_flag.svg.png image14?qlt=82&wid=1024&ts=1670911241536 2560px-Asexual_Pride_Flag.svg.png

A few things:
- If you send me a friend request and we’ve never interacted/I don’t know you, I will reject it.
- Please don't send me any random DMs just like "hey" or whatever. If you want to do business or have an actual topic to discuss start with that, otherwise I'll probably just ignore it.

About me:
- I mostly do art things around here. Too much clicking wasn't good for my wrists so I had to prioritize. I still stay online for forum stuff and games and all that jazz *ba dum tss*
- I like rabbits!! Anything rabbit related is a big thumbs up from me!!
- I really like a lot of music, but my top three are Dry The River, Radical Face, and Dream Puzzles. Though they're a CLOSE top 3!

Villagers 23

Comments 81

    • Omg your mewbonnets are adorable!!

    • You're welcome! <3

    • Your recent post in the "post your current thought" is so real lmao... Like why do they still think that we believe we are animals?! Lol

    • your characters are so fun! and a fellow robot and rabbit enjoyer…


    • Thank so much recipe! Help lot, don't need grind now

    • I just wanted to pop by to tell you that I loved your pumpkin contest design, and omg I love all of your characters so much! Your art is so cute! Happy Halloween :3c

    • RAH THANK YOU!! I absolutely love the manticore's food cake, they're totally not my favorite one from the batch ;-;;

    • Okay, thank you very much! The little beast is very cute, I think I'll call her Bernadette!

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