Viewing svengali's Profile
Villagers 11
Gallery 50
Black Seapony (Female)
Spiked Sharky (Male)
Spiked Spiny Mouse +100 (Male)
Octopus Horse Plush x1
Badger Pika (Female)
Rainbow Peep (Female)
Antlered Chipmunk (Male)
Red Rose Aardwolf (Female)
It's fine, I just cut off the thread before it turned into a major problem with fighting. I'm not good with handling fights lol
It's fine, I just cut off the thread before it turned into a major problem with fighting. I'm not good with handling fights lol
Thanks, I thought a sarcastic post would be funny too but didn't expect a negative response like that
Just depends on complexity! I set a price for individual cases. But usually they range from $20-$35, unless it's a big shifty then that may cost more
Could you hold the Braided Dumbo for me, or send a trade so I can add funds once I get them? I can get that 400Kfc pretty soon, I think! Herbalism is maki me a good amount.
I haven't received the code yet. Sorry for the bad ping. I spelled your name wrong the first time in the thread.
Yeah she looks really lovely in there, thanks again! ^-^ I was hoping to get a copy for my gallery during the event but the star fairies' drop rates weren't great, I ended up having to buy one for the menagerie
Aww that's so kind of you, thank you so much! ;_; <3 Best of luck selling the rest of your stuff!
god fucking bless