Viewing shadow1661's Profile

User ID: #21410
Username: shadow1661
Gender: Male
Last Online: 27 Jul 2022, 9:04 pm
Registered: 2 Jul 2016, 9:12 am
Username: shadow1661
Gender: Male
Last Online: 27 Jul 2022, 9:04 pm
Registered: 2 Jul 2016, 9:12 am

Profile description
Need something?Tell me~Maybe I can help you~
And the villagers have their own profile~
Stalls News :
1.Moon become the Alchemist , now she will make many potion , did someone want them ?
2.If you want something,but the price is too expensive,you can message me and let we trading ~
3.Maybe Knight be boring to be a Blacksmith , he start go outside now .
4.Maybe Yake _ Rabbit be boring to be a Construction Worker , he start go outside now .
5.Saint become a Dutch Angel Dragon ~ ! Well , everyone still like him .
And the villagers have their own profile~
Stalls News :
1.Moon become the Alchemist , now she will make many potion , did someone want them ?
2.If you want something,but the price is too expensive,you can message me and let we trading ~
3.Maybe Knight be boring to be a Blacksmith , he start go outside now .
4.Maybe Yake _ Rabbit be boring to be a Construction Worker , he start go outside now .
5.Saint become a Dutch Angel Dragon ~ ! Well , everyone still like him .
Thank you!
Hey! How u said, i need something.
One of my villagers, well, two of them, have something, and i need a medicinal gauze, but they are very expencive and they cost like 50 furdollars, Can u help me? I know that is difficult, but i want to know...
Thank you!! :> Likewise~
Very kind and neighborly of you to engage your customers like that! May you have a good day, too!
It is worth mentioning that some might like their auction transactions to be cold and impersonal, however.
have a nice day as well!
Please don't repeatedly comment "Thank you for your purchase, have a nice day" on my profile. Thank you.
you're welcome :>
ps, love the color scheme you have going for all your villagers
No prob~ Thanks mr. Beta tester.
your welcome ^^
You have a nice day as well!