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Viewing MostlyGhostly's Profile

User ID: #21328
Username: MostlyGhostly
Gender: Demiboy
Last Online: 25 Aug 2017, 8:00 am
Registered: 2 Jul 2016, 9:03 am

Profile description

Hey guys! I'm Mostly ghostly but you can Call me Tart or honestly whatever.

I'm a massive wickerbeast fan and one thing that bothers me is the fact many people make wickers on fv bases with illegal traits then continue to call them wickers and use them as such. That's why I'd like to direct you to the wickerbeast website! That way we can spread the info for people who want valid wickers to call their own!

Villagers 9

Comments 7

    • If you were asking me, nope!

    • Many thanks <3

    • I really am sorry, thank you for sending it again when you didn't have to. I didn't want to seem like a jerk

    • Oops I didn't mean to reject that I'm on my phone sorry!

    • Hello u butt :v

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